Loftsdóttir, Kristín, and Lars Jensen, editors. Whiteness and Postcolonialism in the Nordic Region: Exceptionalism, Migrant Others and National Identities. (2012)

Loftsdóttir, Kristín, and Lars Jensen, editors. Whiteness and Postcolonialism in the Nordic Region: Exceptionalism, Migrant Others and National Identities. 1st edition, F arnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT: Routledge, 2012. This book examines the influence of imperialism and colonialism on the formation of national identities in the Nordic countries, exploring the manner in which contemporary discourses in Nordic society are rendered meaningful or obscured by references to past events and tropes related to the practices and ideologies of colonialism. Against the background of Nordic ‘exceptionalism’, it explores the manner in which the interwoven racial, gendered and nationalistic ideologies associated with the colonial project form part of contemporary Nordic identities. An important challenge to national identities that can become increasingly inward looking, Whiteness and Postcolonialism in the Nordic Region sheds light on the ways in which certain notions and structural inequalities, understood as residue from the colonial period, become recreated or projected onto different groups. Presenting a variety of case studies drawn from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Greenland, Denmark and Iceland, this book will be of interest to scholars across the social sciences and humanities conducting research in the fields of race and ethnicity, identity and belonging, media representations of ‘the other’ and colonialism and postcolonialism.

Contents: Introduction: Nordic exceptionalism and Nordic ’others’, Kristi­n Loftsdottir and Lars Jensen; Colonial discourse and ambivalence: Norwegian participants on the colonial arena in South Africa, Erlend Eidsvik; Colonialism, racism and exceptionalism, Christina Petterson; ’Words that wound’: Swedish Whiteness and its inability to accommodate minority experiences, Tobias Hubinette; Belonging and the Icelandic others: situating Icelandic identity in a postcolobial context, KristÃin Loftsdottir; Transnational influences, gender equality and violence in Muslim families, Suvi Keskinen; Reading history through Finnish exceptionalism, Anna Rastas; Danishness as Whiteness in crisis: emerging post-imperial and development aid anxieties, Lars Jensen; Bodies and boundaries, Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen and Serena Maurer; Intimacy with the Danish nation-state: my partner, the Danish state and I – a case study of family reunification policy in Denmark, Linda Lund Pedersen; Aesthetics and ethnicity: the role of boundaries in contemporary Sami and Tornedalian art, Anne Heith; Index.

Lohmann, Jens, Klaus Slavensky, and Rune Engelbreth Larsen, editors. Hate speech : fra hadetale til hadesyn. (2013)

Lohmann, Jens, Klaus Slavensky, and Rune Engelbreth Larsen, editors. Hate speech : fra hadetale til hadesyn. Translated by Klaus m. fl. Slavensky, 1. udgave, Kbh.: Information, 2013.

I dæmoniseringen af sårbare mindretal støder ytringsfriheden på sin farligste grænse. Fra holocaust til Rwanda og Anders Behring Breivik viser historien, at etnisk udrensning, politiske mord, forbrydelser mod menneskeheden og folkedrab først bliver mulige gennem intensiv Hate Speech – Hadetale kan føre til hadesyn. En pen dyppet i had er forudsætningen for, at sværdet kan dræbe.  Hate speech sætter fokus på den såkaldte hadetale, der bl.a. florerer i den politiske debat, hvor især minoriteter står for skud. Det kan være seksuelle, etniske eller religiøse mindretal. Bogens essays trækker på synspunkter fra det litterære parnas, vurderinger af refleksioner fra det politiske overdrev og endelig præsenteres analyser fra det akademiske udsigtstårn. Det er kort sagt en antologi med fokus på hadetale, ytringsfrihed, demokrati, menneskerettigheder og humanisme. 

Indhold: Klaus Slavensky: Har vi ret til at hade? Thomas Brudholm: Om had og hadetale. Ursula Owen: Dræbende tale. Cecilie Banke: ‘Jødespørgsmålet’ i 1930ernes Danmark – fra undren til bekymring. Rune Engelbreth Larsen: Paralleller mellem antisemitisk og antimuslimsk retorik. Billeder: Hadefuld eller harmløs billedtale? Mikael Rothstein: Et par høviske ord om religion. Ole Reitov: Hadets sange. Jens Lohmann: Hvornår er litteratur hadefuld- og hvem bestemmer det? Rikke Frank Jørgensen: Hadetale og ytringsfrihed i en internettid. Niels Bjerre Poulsen: Det amerikanske paradoks. Birte Weiss: Hadetalens smitteveje. Malene Fenger Grøndahl: Europas ‘sorte jøder’ er stadig lagt for had. Lynda Gilfillan: Ytringsfrihed og hadetale i Sydafrika. Göran Rosenberg: Ytringsfrihedens betingelser og begrænsninger. PENs Charter.

Lundby, Knut. Contesting Religion, The Media Dynamics of Cultural Conflicts in Scandinavia. (2018) [PDF]

Lundby, Knut. Contesting Religion, The Media Dynamics of Cultural Conflicts in Scandinavia. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2018.

As Scandinavian societies experience increased ethno-religious diversity, their Christian-Lutheran heritage and strong traditions of welfare and solidarity are being challenged and contested. This book explores conflicts related to religion as they play out in public broadcasting, social media, local civic settings, and schools. It examines how the mediatization of these controversies influences people’s engagement with contested issues about religion, and redraws the boundaries between inclusion and exclusion.



Mørck, Yvonne. Bindestregsdanskere: Fortællinger om køn, generationer og etnicitet.

Mørck, Yvonne. Bindestregsdanskere: Fortællinger om køn, generationer og etnicitet. Forlaget Sociologi, 1998.

Hvordan er det at være etnisk minoritesung i dagens Danmark? Hvordan klarer unge med tyrkisk-dansk, pakistansk-dansk og marrokansk-dansk baggrund balancegangen mellem flere normer, værdier og kønsideologier? Har unge kvinder og mænd forskellige muligheder, og hvilken rolle spiller det, at unge befinder sig i en vestlig storby? Hvilke forhandlinger om ungdomsliv, køn og identitet foregår der i indvandrerfamilier i disse år? Hvilke beretninger kan man høre fra det multikulturelle Danmarks unge bindestregsdanskere?Det giver denne bog et bud på gennem en vifte af fortællinger, som bygger på et feltarbejde blandt velfungerende unge i København, der er på vej i uddannelsessystemet. Vi møder unge i tværetniske foreninger, i en filmgruppe, på et gymnasium og på et pædagogseminarium. Forfatteren præsenterer os endvidere for unges fortællinger i en dokumentarfilm og i radioudsendelser, ligesom unges historier fra tidsskrifter, aviser, blade og skønlitteratur bliver inddraget på kreativ vis.Bogen giver en levende introduktion til centrale teorier inden for forskningsområder som kultur, køn, etnicitet og identitet. Den bidrager også til debatten om Danmark som et multikulturelt samfund, idet der introduceres forskellige perspekiver på, hvordan man som samfund kan håndtere øget etnisk og kulturel mangfoldighed.Bogen henvender sig til en bred målgruppe, f.eks. lærere og studerende ved pædagogiske såvel som ved social- og sundhedsuddannelsessteder, til folk der arbejder i praksis med etniske minoriteter såsom sygeplejesker, socialrådgivere, skole- og gymnasielærere, studievejledere, daghøjskole- og VUC-lærere samt lærere og studerende  på universitetet og endelig til deltagere i politisk arbejde og mennesker med almen interesse for området.

Necef, Mehmet Ümit, and Torben Bech Dyrberg. Er Danskerne Racister? Indvandrerforskningens Problemer. (2012)

Necef, Mehmet Ümit, and Torben Bech Dyrberg. Er Danskerne Racister? Indvandrerforskningens Problemer. Frydenlund Academic, 2012.

Hvor racistiske er danskerne ved nærmere eftersyn? Bogens forfattere har undersøgt sagen og kigget os efter i sømmene.  Over en 20-årig periode har bogens to forskere undersøgt racisme i Danmark, og ikke bare deres konklusion, men også selve undersøgelsen, vækker opsigt.  Noget kunne nemlig tyde på, vi ikke er helt så fremmedfjendske, som mange går og tror. Både den offentlige debat og den videnskabelige forskning har imidlertid været med til at underbygge tesen om, at danskerne er racister, så indtrykket af det lille lukkede folk mod nord er ikke kommet ud af det blå.  Denne bog slår ikke desto mindre fast, at der er meget lidt dokumentation for udbredt dansk racisme, fremmedhad, islamofobi og lignende. Forskerne understreger, at dette ikke betyder, at der slet ikke findes racisme i Danmark, men de pointerer samtidig, at det er i langt mindre og andet omfang, end hidtil antaget.  Bogen åbner op for en seriøs debat om det komplicerede emne med saglig viden og grundig indsigt.

Nielsen, Jorgen, editor. Islam in Denmark: The Challenge of Diversity. (2011)

Nielsen, Jørgen, editor. Islam in Denmark: The Challenge of Diversity. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books, 2011.

Little has been published in English about Islam in Denmark although interest grew after the cartoons crisis of 2005-6. Danish research on the subject is extensive, and this volume aims to present some of the most recent to an international audience. While many of the circumstances which apply across western Europe — the history of immigration and refugees, settlement, the growth of Muslim organizations and international links, challenges of social and cultural encounter, and more recently Islam as a security issue — also apply in Denmark, there are also differences. A small, compact country with no recent imperial history, Denmark’s unified institutional, religious and social culture can make it difficult for newcomers to integrate. The fourteen chapters in this book cover the topic in three parts. The first part deals with the history and statistics of immigration and settlement, and the religious institutional responses, Christian and Muslim. Part two looks at specific issues and the interaction with the developing national debate about identity and minority. Finally part three presents the experience of four active participants in the processes of integration: youth work and hospital chaplaincy, interreligious dialogue, and the views of an imam.

Chapter 1: Setting the Scene (Jørgen S. Nielsen)
Part One: National Perspectives
Chapter 2: Denmark, Islam and Muslims – Socio-Economic Dynamics and the Art of Becoming (Jørgen Bæk Simonsen)
Chapter 3: Muslims in Denmark – a Critical Evaluation of Estimation (Brian Arly Jacobsen)
Chapter 4: Religion and State: Recognition of Islam and Related Legislation (Lisbet Christoffersen)
Chapter 5: Mosques and Organizations (Lene Kühle)
Part Two: Particular Perspectives
Chapter 6: Nørrebro and ”Muslimness”: A Neighborhood Caught Between National Mythscapes and Local Engagement (Garbi Schmidt)
Chapter 7: How Did ‘the Muslim Pupil’ Become Muslim? Danish State Schooling and ‘the Migrant Pupils’ since the 1970s (Mette Buchardt)
Chapter 8: Gender as a Tool in Danish Debates about Muslims (Rikke Andreassen)
Chapter 9: Conversion to Islam in Denmark (Tina Jensen and Kate Østergaard)
Chapter 10: Muslims as a Danish Security Issue (Mona Kanwal Sheikh and Manni Crone)
Part Three: Perspectives on the Ground
Chapter 11: ‘To be Something’ – the Role of Religion in the Formation of Protest Identity among Ethnic Minority Youth (Lissi Rasmussen)
Chapter 12: Counseling in the Health Service (Naveed Baig)
Chapter 13: Interreligious Relations (Safet Bektovic)
Chapter 14: Towards a European Understanding of Islam (Abdul Wahid Pedersen)

Rud, Søren. Colonialism in Greenland: Tradition, Governance and Legacy. (2017)

Rud, Søren. Colonialism in Greenland: Tradition, Governance and Legacy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

This book explores how the Danish authorities governed the colonized population in Greenland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Two competing narratives of colonialism dominate in Greenland as well as Denmark. One narrative portrays the Danish colonial project as ruthless and brutal extraction of a vulnerable indigenousness people; the other narrative emphasizes almost exclusively the benevolent aspects of Danish rule in Greenland. Rather than siding with one of these narratives, this book investigates actual practices of colonial governance in Greenland with an outlook to the extensive international scholarship on colonialism and post-colonialism. The chapters address the intimate connections between the establishment of an ethnographic discourse and the colonial techniques of governance in Greenland. Thereby the book provides important nuances to the understanding of the historical relationship between Denmark and Greenland and links this historical trajectory to the present negotiations of Greenlandic identity.

Sandset, Tony. Color That Matters : A Comparative Approach to Mixed Race Identity and Nordic Exceptionalism. (2018)

Sandset, Tony. Color That Matters : A Comparative Approach to Mixed Race Identity and Nordic Exceptionalism. Routledge, 2018.

This book examines the ways in which mixed ethnic identities in Scandinavia are formed along both cultural and embodied lines, arguing that while the official discourses in the region refer to a “post-racial” or “color blind” era, color still matters in the lives of people of mixed ethnic descent. Drawing on research from people of mixed ethnic backgrounds, the author offers insights into how color matters and is made to matter and into the ways in which terms such as “ethnic” and “ethnicity” remain very much indebted to their older, racialized grammar.

Color that Matters moves beyond the conventional Anglo-American focus of scholarship in this field, showing that while similarities exist between the racial and ethnic discourses of the US and UK and those found in the Nordic region, Scandinavia, and Norway in particular, manifests important differences, in part owing to a tendency to view itself as exceptional or outside the colonial heritage of race and imperialism. Presenting both a contextualization of racial discourses since World War II based on documentary analysis and new interview material with people of mixed ethnic backgrounds, the book acts as a corrective to the blind spot within Scandinavian research on ethnic minorities, offering a new reading of race for the Nordic region that engages with the idea that color has been emptied of legitimate cultural content.


Schmidt, Garbi. Nørrebros indvandringshistorie 1885-2010. (2015)

Schmidt, Garbi. Nørrebros indvandringshistorie 1885-2010. MuseumTuscelanum, 2015.

Etnisk mangfoldighed er i dag en tydelig dimension af Nørrebro, men er indvandring til kvarteret et nyt fænomen, eller har indvandring fra tidligt i historien bidraget til Nørrebros liv, udvikling og fortælling?

Denne bog beskriver Nørrebros indvandringshistorie, fra svenske tjenestepiger og russisk-jødiske flygtninge over tyske krigsflygtninge og tyrkiske og pakistanske gæstearbejdere til nutiden, hvor Nørrebro både fejres og fordømmes som Københavns indvandrerkvarter. Hvilke roller har indvandrere spillet i kvarteret igennem tiden? Hvem var de, både som grupper og individer? Hvordan spillede indvandring sammen med den fortælling om Nørrebro, som er blevet udviklet og genskabt over tid: byens urolige hjørne, præget af arbejderklasse, fattigdom og aktivisme? I hvilke perioder har indvandrerne været synlige, og i hvilke perioder er de knapt blevet bemærket – selvom de har været der? Og hvordan har sådanne forandringer spillet sammen med byens rum, bystyrets politik og den danske nationalstats håndtering af indvandring over tid?

Nørrebros indvandringshistorie 1885–2010 er en bog om, hvordan indvandring har formet et kvarter, en by – og et land.

Shield, Andrew DJ. Immigrants on Grindr: Race, Sexuality and Belonging Online. (2019)

Shield, Andrew DJ. Immigrants on Grindr: Race, Sexuality and Belonging Online. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

This book examines the role of hook-up apps in the lives of gay, bi, trans, and queer immigrants and refugees, and how the online culture of these platforms promotes belonging or exclusion. Within the context of the so-called European refugee crisis, this research focuses on the experiences of immigrants from especially Muslim-majority countries to the greater Copenhagen area, a region known for both its progressive ideologies and its anti-immigrant practices. Grindr and similar platforms connect newcomers with not only dates and sex, but also friends, roommates and other logistical contacts. But these socio-sexual platforms also become spaces of racialization and othering. Weaving together analyses of real Grindr profile texts, immigrant narratives, political rhetoric, and popular media, Immigrants on Grindr provides an in-depth look at the complex interplay between online and offline cultures, and between technology and society.


Soei, Aydin. Omar – og de andre: vrede unge mænd og modborgerskab. (2018)

Soei, Aydin. Omar – og de andre: vrede unge mænd og modborgerskab. Gads Forlag, 2018.

”Mange har en følelse af at være andenrangsborgere. Og dét at folk inderst inde godt ved, at de ikke er accepterede i Danmark, gør jo ondt.”  Sådan lyder det fra en af de ’vrede unge mænd’, som sociologen Aydin Soei har talt med til bogen Omar – og de andre. Bogen handler om kriminalitetstruede unge mænd med minoritetsbaggrund og deres oplevelse af modborgerskab, som kan få dem til at vende det danske samfund ryggen. Flertallet af de unge fra landets udsatte områder lever helt almindelige liv med skole, job og familie, men nogle ender som radikaliserede, som bandemedlemmer eller storkriminelle. Én enkelt, Omar el-Hussein, opgav helt at være en del af samfundet, da han i 2015 dræbte to uskyldige mænd i terrorangrebet ved Krudttønden og den jødiske synagoge i København. Omar el-Husseins baggrund minder om så mange andre kriminalitetstruede minoritetsdrenges, viser bogens gennemgang, men udgangen på hans historie blev, at han valgte at agere som en ekstrem modborger. 

I 2018 er det ti år siden, at Danmark blev ramt af landsdækkende optøjer i udsatte boligområder, og at den danske bandekonflikt brød ud og udviklede sig til en permanent størrelse. Begge fænomener er skelsættende i dansk ‘ghettohistorie’ og beskrives i Omar – og de andre, der sammenligner udfordringerne med radikalisering, bander og optøjer i den danske, amerikanske og franske ‘ghetto’.  Bogen er en fortsættelse af Vrede unge mænd (2011), hvorfra enkelte af kapitlerne går igen i nye og opdaterede versioner. Nogle af de unge, som forfatteren mødte første gang for et årti siden, geninterviewes side om side med nye stemmer, der bidrager til at tegne et portræt af udviklingen blandt en særlig gruppe unge i landets udsatte områder.

Soei, Aydin. Vrede unge mænd: optøjer og kampen for anerkendelse i et nyt Danmark. (2011)

Soei, Aydin. Vrede unge mænd: optøjer og kampen for anerkendelse i et nyt Danmark. København: Tiderne skifter, 2011.

Nørrebro februar 2008. Gaderne står i brand. Politiet angribes med brosten og andet kasteskyts i kvarteret omkring Blågårds Plads. Unge tænder ild til biler og containere. Medierne beskriver optøjerne som en nærmest krigslignende tilstand. En udløsende faktor har været de mange ofte krænkende kropsvisitationer i de såkaldte visitationszoner. I løbet af få dage breder urolighederne sig til andre socialt belastede boligområder i Danmark over Tingbjerg og Vestegnen til Voldsmose og Gjellerupparken. Begivenhederne kaldes i medierne Danmarkshistoriens værste indvandreroptøjer og sammenlignes med tidligere optøjer i de franske forstæder. Der peges også på bandekriminalitet religiøs vrede og kedsomhed i vinterferien. Men hvad var det i virkeligheden der udløste uroen og hvorfor blev en lokal konflikt på Nørrebro til et landsdækkende fænomen?

Vrede unge mænd forsøger at besvare disse spørgsmål ved at afdække udviklingen i landets udsatte boligområder fra slutningen af 90 erne og frem. Bogen bygger på interviews og samtaler igennem en lang periode med nogle af de unge selv både dem som var på gaden og dem som afstod fra at deltage i optøjerne og med skolelærere socialarbejdere betjente og pædagoger. Bogen arbejder i journalistisk form med sociologisk teori om vrede unge mænd i et forsøg på at trænge om bag mediernes dækning af ghettoen og dens unge beboere.

Staunæs, Dorthe. Køn, etnicitet og skoleliv. (2008)

Staunæs, Dorthe. Køn, etnicitet og skoleliv. 1. e-bogsudgave, Samfundslitteratur, 2008.

Dorthe Staunæs har fulgt to 7.klasser på hver sin skole i Storkøbenhavn og behandler blandt andet spørgsmål som: Hvilke elever opfattes som problematiske i skolen? Hvordan spiller køn og etnicitet sammen? Hvordan tackler skoleledelserne den multietniske elevgruppe?  I overgangen fra barn til ung spiller seksualitet og identitet en stor rolle, og bogen belyser, hvordan drenge- og pigekategorien skal suppleres med etnisk dimension – der er noget man kan, og noget man ikke kan, når man er henholdsvis etnisk dansk eller ikke etnisk dansk, og det kan betyde, at man skal begrænse valget af kærester i forhold til etnicitet.  Køn, etnicitet og skoleliv er et spændende blik ind i en skoleverden med multietnisk elevbesætning og kan læses af lærere, pædagoger og beslutningstagere og andre med interesse for, hvordan køn, etnicitet og skoleliv er vævet sammen i skolen i dag.

Horst, Christian. På ulige fod: Etniske minoritetsbørn som et skoleeksempel. (2017)

Horst, Christian. På ulige fod: Etniske minoritetsborn som et skoleeksempel. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2017.

PISA-undersøgelser har vist det mange gange: Etniske minoritetsbørn klarer sig dårligt i den danske folkeskole. FN’s komité mod racediskrimination, CERD, har kritiseret Danmark for forskelsbehandling af etniske minoritetselever og deres manglende repræsentation i det danske curriculum. I På ulige fod viser kultursociolog Christian Horst, at der er en sammenhæng mellem disse to forhold.

Samfundets flerkulturalitet er usynlig i folkeskolens centrale styringstekster. Når de etniske minoritetselever bliver synlige i teksterne, er det i særpositioner. Den etnisk danske elev er målestok for den normale elev og sætter rammerne for en almen læringssituation, hvor de etniske minoritetselever er på ulige fod med etnisk danske elever. Derfor kan man tale om institutionel og strukturel forskelsbehandling eller diskrimination.

Christian Horst belyser, hvordan universelle værdier som ligestilling og ligebehandling underlægges nationale interesser, der fungerer som et forsvar for og en legitimering af forskelsbehandling – i uddannelsessystemet og i hele samfundet. Det kommer til udtryk i fortolkningskampe om integration, der har afgørende indflydelse på etniske minoritetsbørns vilkår og muligheder i Danmark.

Vitus, Kathrine. Pædagoger og Perkere – etniske minoritetsbørn i det sociale system. (2013)

Vitus, Kathrine. Pædagoger og Perkere – etniske minoritetsbørn i det sociale system. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2013.

Kathrine Vitus har gennem syv måneder fulgt det socialpædagogiske tilbud Baglandet, hvis brugere hovedsageligt er etniske minoritetsdrenge, der er kommet på kant med normale institutioner. I Pædagoger og perkere leverer hun et grundigt og kritisk feltstudie af institutionen.

På baggrund af analyser af hverdagssituationer i Baglandet og interviews med pædagoger og drenge behandler Vitus centrale problematikker, der rejser sig i mødet mellem de to aktører. Hvad gør det for og ved børnene at gå der? Kan pædagogerne stille noget meningsfuldt op med de unge, og bliver børnene reintegreret i normale institutioner efter opholdet i Baglandet? Vitus afslører i svarene herpå en lang række paradokser og uhensigtsmæssige institutionelle logikker. Hun viser desuden vigtigheden af, at pædagogerne også har øjnene åbne for og giver næring til drengenes potentialer, håb og drømme, hvis de vil indfri de gode hensigter om at hjælpe dem videre.

Bogen henvender sig til læseren med almen interesse for integrationsspørgsmål, til studerende og undervisere ved pædagog- og lærerseminarier og sociale højskoler og til praktiserende pædagoger og socialarbejdere. Hvert kapitel afrundes med refleksionsspørgsmål, som det er oplagt at forholde sig til i fælles diskussioner.

Yılmaz, Ferruh. ‘How the Workers Became Muslims: Immigration, Culture, and Hegemonic Transformation in Europe.’ (2016)

Yilmaz, Ferruh. How the Workers Became Muslims: Immigration, Culture, and Hegemonic Transformation in Europe. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016.

Writing in the beginning of the 1980s, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe explored possibilities for a new socialist strategy to capitalize on the period’s fragmented political and social conditions. Two and a half decades later, Ferruh Yilmaz acknowledges that the populist far right—not the socialist movement—has demonstrated greater facility in adopting successful hegemonic strategies along the structural lines Laclau and Mouffe imagined. Right wing hegemonic strategy, Yilmaz argues, has led to the reconfiguration of internal fault lines in European societies.

Yilmaz’s primary case study is Danish immigration discourse, but his argument contextualizes his study in terms of questions of current concern across Europe, where right wing groups that were long on the fringes of “legitimate” politics have managed to make significant gains with populations typically aligned with the Left. Specifically, Yilmaz argues that socio-political space has been transformed in the last three decades such that group classification has been destabilized to emphasize cultural rather than economic attributes.

According to this point-of-view, traditional European social and political cleavages are jettisoned for new “cultural” alliances pulling the political spectrum to the right, against the corrosive presence of Muslim immigrants, whose own social and political variety is flattened into an illusion of alien sameness.

Hervik, Peter, editor. Racialization, Racism, and Anti-Racism in the Nordic Countries. (2019)

Hervik, Peter, editor. Racialization, Racism, and Anti-Racism in the Nordic Countries. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

This book represents a comprehensive effort to understand discrimination, racialization, racism, Islamophobia, anti-racist activism, and the inclusion and exclusion of minorities in Nordic countries. Examining critical media events in this heavily mediatized society, the contributors explore how processes of racialization take place in an environment dominated by commercial interests, anti-migrant and anti-Muslim narratives and sentiments, and a surprising lack of informed research on national racism and racialization. Overall, in tracing how these individual events further racial inequalities through emotional and affective engagement, the book seeks to define the trajectory of modern racism in Scandinavia.


 1. Peter Hervik:

Racialization in the Nordic Countries: An Introduction

2. Mathias Danbolt, Lene Myong:

 Racial Turns and Returns: Recalibrations of Racial Exceptionalism in Danish Public Debates on Racism

3. Tuija Saresma:

Politics of Fear and Racialized Rape: Intersectional Reading of the Kempele Rape Case

4. Mahitab Ezz El Din:

 News Media Racialization of Muslims: The Case of Nerikes Allehanda’s Publishing of the Mohamed Caricature

5. Asta Smedegaard Nielsen:

White Fear: Habitual Whiteness and Racialization of the Threat of Terror in Danish News Journalism

6. Sayaka Osanami Törngren:

 Talking Color-Blind: Justifying and Rationalizing Attitudes Toward Interracial Marriages in Sweden

7. Mantė Vertelytė, Peter Hervik:

The Vices of Debating Racial Epithets in Danish News Media Discourse

 8. Carolina S. Boe, Karina Horsti:

Anti-Racism from the Margins: Welcoming Refugees at Schengen’s Northernmost Border

9. Christian Stokke:

Do Antiracist Efforts and Diversity Programs Make a Difference? Assessing the Case of Norway

10. Camilla Haavisto:

The Power of Being Heard: How Claims Against Racism Are Constructed, Spread, and Listened to in a Hybrid Media Environment

11. Kjetil Rødje, T. S. Thorsen:

(Re)Framing Racialization: Djurs Sommerland as a Battleground of (Anti-)Racism

12. Nasar Meer:

Whiteness and Racialization

Gøbel, Erik. The Danish Slave Trade and Its Abolition. (2016)

Gøbel, Erik. The Danish Slave Trade and Its Abolition. Brill: 2016.

‘In The Danish Slave Trade and Its Abolition, Erik Gøbel offers an account of the well-documented Danish transatlantic slave trade. Denmark was the seventh-largest slave-trading nation with forts and factories on the Gold Coast and a colony in the Virgin Islands. The comprehensive Danish archival material provides the basis for Gøbel’s descriptions of the volume and composition of the slave trade and trade cargoes, as well as the shipping and conditions on board along the Middle Passage. Attention is also paid to the 1791 Danish Slave Trade Commission report and the final decision to abolish the slave trade altogether’–Provided by publisher.

Broberg, Gunnar, and Nils Roll-Hansen, editors. Eugenics and the Welfare State: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. (2005)

Broberg, Gunnar, and Nils Roll-Hansen, editors. Eugenics and the Welfare State: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2005.,

In 1997 Eugenics and the Welfare State caused an uproar with international repercussions. This edition contains a new introduction by Broberg and Roll-Hansen, addressing events that occurred following the original publication. The four essays in this book stand as a chilling indictment of mass sterilization practices, not only in Scandinavia but in other European countries and the United States–eugenics practices that remained largely hidden from the public view until recently. Eugenics and the Welfare State also provides an in-depth, critical examination of the history, politics, science, and economics that led to mass sterilization programs in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland; programs put in place for the “betterment of society” and based largely on the “junk science” of eugenics that was popular before the rise of Nazism in Germany. When the results of Broberg’s and Roll-Hansen’s book were widely publicized in August 1997, the London Observer reported, “Yesterday Margot Wallstrom, the Swedish Minister for Social Policy, issued a belated reaction to the revelations. She said: ‘What went on is barbaric and a national disgrace.’ She pledged to create a law ensuring that involuntary sterilisation would never again be used in Sweden, and promised compensation to victims.” Ultimately, the Swedish government not only apologized to the many thousands who had been sterilized without their knowledge or against their will, but also put in place a program for the payment of reparations to these unfortunate victims.

Ben-Zion, Sigalit. Constructing Transnational and Transracial Identity: Adoption and Belonging in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. (2014)

Ben-Zion, Sigalit. Constructing Transnational and Transracial Identity: Adoption and Belonging in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.

Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are home to more than 90,000 transnational adoptees of Scandinavian parents raised in a predominantly white environment. This ethnography provides a unique perspective on how these transracial adoptees conceptualize and construct their sense of identity along the intersection of ethnicity, family, and national lines.


Andreassen, Rikke, and Kathrine Vitus. Affectivity and Race: Studies from Nordic Contexts. (2016)

Andreassen, Rikke, and Kathrine Vitus. Affectivity and Race: Studies from Nordic Contexts. Routledge, 2016.

This book presents new empirical studies of social difference in the Nordic welfare states, in order to advance novel theoretical perspectives on the everyday practices and macro-politics of race and gender in multi-ethnic societies. With attention to the specific political and cultural landscapes of the Nordic countries, Affectivity and Race draws on a variety of sources, including television programmes, news media, fictional literature, interviews, ethnographic observations, teaching curricula and policy documents, to explore the ways in which ideas about affectivity and emotion afford new insights into the experience of racial difference and the unfolding of political discourses on race in various social spheres. Organised around the themes of the politicisation of race through affect, the way that race produces affect and the affective experience of race, this interdisciplinary collection sheds light on the role of feelings in the formation of subjectivities, how race and whiteness are affectively circulated in public life and the ways in which emotions contribute to regimes of inclusion and exclusion. As such it will appeal to scholars across the social sciences, with interests in sociology, anthropology, media, literary and cultural studies, race and ethnicity, and Nordic studies.


Introduction: affectivity as a lens to racial formations in the Nordic countries, Kathrine Vitus and Rikke Andreassen.

Part I How is Race Politicised through Affects?:

Politics of irony as the emerging sensibility of the anti-immigrant debate, Kaarina Nikunen;

If it had been a muslim: affectivity and race in Danish journalists’ reflections on making news on terror, Asta Smedegaard Nielsen;

The racial grammar of Swedish higher education and research policy: the limits and conditions of researching race in a colour-blind context, Tobias Hübinette and Paula Mählck.

Part II How Does Race Produce Affects?

‘And then we do it in Norway’: learning leadership through affective contact zones, Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen and Dorthe Staunæs;

Nordic colour-blindness and Nella Larsen, Rikke Andreassen; Disturbance and celebration of Josephine Baker in Copenhagen 1928: emotional constructions of whiteness, Marlene Spanger.

Part III How is Race Affectively Experienced?

Feeling at loss: affect, whiteness and masculinity in the immediate aftermath of Norway’s terror, Stine H. Bang Svendsen;

The affectivity of racism: enjoyment and disgust in young people’s film, Kathrine Vitus; Two journeys into research on difference in a Nordic context: a collaborative auto-ethnography, Henry Mainsah and Lin Prøitz;

Doing ‘feelwork’: reflections on whiteness and methodological challenges in research on queer partner migration, Sara Ahlstedt.

Andreassen, Rikke, and Anne Folke Henningsen. Menneskeudstilling: fremvisninger af eksotiske mennesker i Zoologisk Have og Tivoli. (2011)

Andreassen, Rikke, and Anne Folke Henningsen. Menneskeudstilling: fremvisninger af eksotiske mennesker i Zoologisk Have og Tivoli. Tiderne Skifter, 2011.

Om de mange udstillinger, der var af mennesker som blev betragtet som vilde og uciviliserede i perioden fra 1870’erne til 1910’erne, og som giver et tidsbillede af et Danmark hvor raceforestillinger og racehierarkier spillede en afgørende rolle for opfattelsen af os og de andre.

Andreassen, Rikke. Mediated Kinship: Gender, Race and Sexuality in Donor Families. (2018)

Andreassen, Rikke. Mediated Kinship: Gender, Race and Sexuality in Donor Families. Routledge, 2018.

Illustrating the fascinating intersections of online media and new kinship, this book presents a study of the increasing numbers of single women and lesbian couples reproducing by using donor sperm. It explores how they connect with each other online, develop intimate digital communities and, most importantly, locate their children’s hitherto unknown biological half-siblings, throughout the world. The author discusses how these new families – consisting of only mothers – engage in extended families involving large numbers of ‘donor siblings’. The new families challenge previous understandings of kinship, and provide illustrations of how norms of gender, sexuality and family are challenged, negotiated and maintained in contemporary times. A crucial study of contemporary formations of family, gender and race, Mediated Kinship discusses the racial aspects of the world’s largest sperm bank exporting Danish sperm (termed ‘Viking sperm’), and explores the narratives of whiteness and imagined racial superiority that circulate among mothers, as well as the racialisations accompanying commercial online sperm sales. By analysing contemporary families of donor-conceived children in the context of legislation, reproduction technologies and online media, the book will appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in race and ethnicity, whiteness, gender, sexuality, kinship and the sociology of the family.

Andreassen, Rikke. Human Exhibitions: Race, Gender and Sexuality in Ethnic Displays. (2016)

Andreassen, Rikke. Human Exhibitions: Race, Gender and Sexuality in Ethnic Displays. New edition edition, Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT: Routledge, 2016.

From the 1870s to the second decade of the twentieth century, more than fifty exhibitions of so-called exotic people took place in Denmark. Here large numbers of people of Asian and African origin were exhibited for the entertainment and ’education’ of a mass audience. Several of these exhibitions took place in Copenhagen Zoo, where different ’villages’, constructed in the middle of the zoo, hosted men, women and children, who sometimes stayed for months, performing their ’daily lives’ for thousands of curious Danes.  This book draws on unique archival material newly discovered in Copenhagen, including photographs, documentary evidence and newspaper articles, to offer new insights and perspectives on the exhibitions both in Copenhagen and in other European cities. Employing post-colonial and feminist approaches to the material, the author sheds fresh light on the staging of exhibitions, the daily life of the exhibitees, the wider connections between shows across Europe and the thinking of the time on matters of race, science, gender and sexuality.  A window onto contemporary racial understandings, Human Exhibitions presents interviews with the descendants of displayed people, connecting the attitudes and science of the past with both our (continued) modern fascination with ’the exotic’, and contemporary language and popular culture.  As such, it will be of interest to scholars of sociology, anthropology and history working in the areas of gender and sexuality, race, whiteness and post-colonialism.
