Graugaard, Naja Dyrendom, & Høgfeldt, Amalie Ambrosius. The silenced genocide: Why the Danish intrauterine device (IUD) enforcement in Kalaallit Nunaat calls for an intersectional decolonial analysis. (2023) [PDF]

Graugaard, Naja Dyrendom, & Høgfeldt, Amalie Ambrosius. The silenced genocide: Why the Danish intrauterine device (IUD) enforcement in Kalaallit Nunaat calls for an intersectional decolonial analysis. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 35(2), 2023, 162–167.

From introduction:

In 2022, it was publicly revealed that Danish authorities have initiated and performed coercive insertions of intrauterine devices (IUDs) in Kalaallit women and adolescents, beginning in the 1960s. This has brought forth public and political calls to action, and an offi cial Danish-Greenlandic commission has been established to investigate this hitherto silenced history (Naalakkersuisut 2023).As feminist scholars of postcolonial and de-colonial studies (one of us Danish/Kalaaleq, one of us non-Kalaaleq), we urge the forthcoming investigations to considerthe colonial, racial, and gendered mechanisms of the IUD enforcement prac-tice, and the narratives around it. We hold that apt analysis of Danish IUD coercion and campaigning, its past workings and present consequences, requires specific attention towards how different modes of power and oppression intersect in Danish colonial strategies in Kalaallit Nunaat. While the gendered and racial dynamics of Danish colo-nization is seldomly analyzed (Loftsdó ttir & Jensen 2012;Petterson 2012; 2014; Andersen, Hvenegård-Lassen & Knobblock 2015; Ambrosius 2020; 2022), we argue that the history (and presence) of reproductive control of Kalaallit indeed points to the intimate relations between colonialism, racism, and patriarchy in Danish colonial practices.


Thisted, Kirsten, Blame, Shame, and Atonement: Greenlandic Responses to Racialized Discourses about Greenlanders and Danes. (2022) [PDF]

Thisted, Kirsten, Blame, Shame, and Atonement: Greenlandic Responses to Racialized Discourses about Greenlanders and Danes, Journal of Critical Mixed Race Studies, 1.2 (2022)

Outside Greenland, many believe that the Greenlandic name for Greenland means “Land of the People.” However, the Greenlandic word for human being or person is inuk (plural: inuit), and Greenland is called Kalaallit Nunaat not Inuit Nunaat. Kalaallit is the West Greenlandic term for modern-day Greenlanders who trace their ancestry along two lines: to the Inuit in the West and the Scandinavians in the East. During the first half of the twentieth century, this mixed ancestry was an important argument for the Greenlandic claim for recognition and equality. This article examines a literary source, Pavia Petersen’s 1944 novel, Niuvertorutsip pania (The outpost manager’s daughter). The novel’s female protagonist, who is of mixed ancestry, is staged as a national symbol for modern Greenland, a country that appropriates European culture while remaining Greenlandic. After the end of the colonial period, the Inuit legacy and Greenlanders’ status as an Indigenous people became important drivers of the Greenlandic claim for independence. In present-day Greenlandic film and literature, Danes are often left out of the story entirely, delegitimizing much of society’s genetic and cultural legacy. Naturally, this poses a problem for the Greenlanders who not only number Europeans among their remote ancestors but also live with a dual identity, with one Danish and one Greenlandic parent. This article illustrates that the notion of “mixed-breed” or “half” Greenlanders is currently regarded with such ambivalent feelings because it accentuates unresolved tensions among the ethnic groups, including the continued dominance of the outdated (colonial) affective economies in Danish-Greenlandic relations.


Milman, Noa, and Nicole Doerr, Activists’ Visibility Acts of Citizenship and Media (Mis)Representation of BLM. (2023) [PDF]

Milman, Noa, and Nicole Doerr, Activists’ Visibility Acts of Citizenship and Media (Mis)Representation of BLM, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 0.0 (2023), 1–27

This paper takes a novel approach to studying the wave of Black Lives Matter protests that emerged in the summer of 2020. Drawing on multimodal qualitative visual analysis methods, we study acts of deliberate altering and erasure of statues that represent heroes of colonialism in Greenland and Denmark. The paper conceptualises these actions as ‘visibility acts of citizenship’ in which racialised minorities claim their symbolic space in the public sphere and criticise racialized and gendered structures of oppression. We then provide a detailed visual and textual analysis of conservative Danish media representations of the protest. This allows us to show how the media (mis)represented protesters’ actions, and its response to accusations of racism and calls for change. Thus, we extend the literature on visual analysis of protest by including not only activists’ visual acts but also the visual responses of mainstream conservative media to the movement.



Rud, Søren, and Søren Ivarsson, eds., Globale og postkoloniale perspektiver på dansk kolonihistorie. (2021)

Rud, Søren, and Søren Ivarsson, eds., Globale og postkoloniale perspektiver på dansk kolonihistorie (Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2021)

Danmarks fortid som kolonimagt og slavenation er mere aktuel end nogensinde. Det globale opgør med racisme og kontroversielle symboler fra kolonihistorien har bredt sig til Danmark, hvor politiske aktivister malede ”DECOLONIZE” på statuer af grønlandsmissionæren Hans Egede både i Nuuk og København, og kunstgruppen Anonyme Billedkunstnere smed ”slavekongen” Frederik V’s buste i Københavns havn.  Mens aktivisterne og mange indbyggere i tidligere danske kolonier anser Danmarks fortid som arnestedet for nutidens racediskrimination opfatter andre postyret som en selvpinerisk og proportionsløs dyrkelse af Danmarks fortidssynder. Ikke mindst derfor er det vigtigt, at forskere forholder sig kritisk til dansk kolonihistorie og kvalificerer fortidens rolle i aktuelle diskussioner om Danmarks kolonihistorie.  I Globale og postkoloniale perspektiver på dansk kolonihistorie præsenterer ni forskere udvalgte postkoloniale og globalhistoriske strømninger. Hver især tager de udgangspunkt i konkrete eksempler fra enten Dansk Vestindien, Grønland, Indien, Island, København, Sápmi eller Siam. Bogen åbner nye perspektiver på Danmarks fortidige engagement i verden, som trænger sig på i aktuelle debatter om eksempelvis identitetspolitik, rigsfællesskab og racisme.


søren rud Introduktion Postkoloniale og globale perspektiver på dansk kolonihistorie 

niels brimnes Offer, subjekt, aktør Refleksioner over de koloniseredes position i nyere analyser af dansk kolonihistorie 

johan heinsen Stemme og flugt Tvangsgeografier i koloni og metropol 

kristoffer edelgaard christensen At sammenligne metropol og koloni Problematiseringen af ’despotisk magt’ i Danmark og Vestindien i 1700-tallets sidste årtier 

simon mølholm olesen Kolonial styring i Sydgrønlands Inspektorat, 1782-95 Institutioner, selvledelse og modstand 

kirsten thisted ’En lille Smule til Gavn for Grønland’ Intime relationer og følelser mellem Danmark og Grønland 

mathias danbolt Grænsen går her Metodisk nationalisme og omfordeling af ansvar i historieskrivningen om koloniseringen af Sápmi 

ann-sofie n. gremaud Festtid, krisetid og kolonitid Fortællinger om islandsk selvstændighed 

gunvor simonsen Racisme, slaveri og marked Afrikanere i 1700-tallets København 

søren ivarsson Gendarmer, dokumenter og papirstaten Danske officerer i semikoloniale Siam

Thisted, Kirsten. Blame, Shame, and Atonement: Greenlandic Responses to Racialized Discourses about Greenlanders and Danes. (2022) [PDF]

Thisted, Kirsten. (2022). Blame, Shame, and Atonement: Greenlandic Responses to Racialized Discourses about Greenlanders and Danes. Journal of Critical Mixed Race Studies, 1(2).

Outside Greenland, many believe that the Greenlandic name for Greenland means “Land of the People.” However, the Greenlandic word for human being or person is inuk (plural: inuit), and Greenland is called Kalaallit Nunaat not Inuit Nunaat. Kalaallit is the West Greenlandic term for modern-day Greenlanders who trace their ancestry along two lines: to the Inuit in the West and the Scandinavians in the East. During the first half of the twentieth century, this mixed ancestry was an important argument for the Greenlandic claim for recognition and equality. This article examines a literary source, Pavia Petersen’s 1944 novel, Niuvertorutsip pania (The outpost manager’s daughter). The novel’s female protagonist, who is of mixed ancestry, is staged as a national symbol for modern Greenland, a country that appropriates European culture while remaining Greenlandic. After the end of the colonial period, the Inuit legacy and Greenlanders’ status as an Indigenous people became important drivers of the Greenlandic claim for independence. In present-day Greenlandic film and literature, Danes are often left out of the story entirely, delegitimizing much of society’s genetic and cultural legacy. Naturally, this poses a problem for the Greenlanders who not only number Europeans among their remote ancestors but also live with a dual identity, with one Danish and one Greenlandic parent. This article illustrates that the notion of “mixed-breed” or “half” Greenlanders is currently regarded with such ambivalent feelings because it accentuates unresolved tensions among the ethnic groups, including the continued dominance of the outdated (colonial) affective economies in Danish-Greenlandic relations.


Reeploeg, Silke. ‘Women in the Arctic: Gendering Coloniality in Travel Narratives from the Far North, 1907-1930’. (2019)

Reeploeg, Silke. ‘Women in the Arctic: Gendering Coloniality in Travel Narratives from the Far North, 1907-1930’. Scandinavian Studies, vol. 91, no. 1–2, [Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, University of Illinois Press], 2019, pp. 182–204.

From introduction:

The Nordic region has a growing body of work that addresses “blind spots” when it comes to understanding its colonial past (Vuorela 2009; Mattson 2014). However, and as noted already in the introduction to this issue, Scandinavian Studies as a scholarly field has been quite resistant to connecting Nordic historiographies with colonialism beyond imagining it as a marginal and altruistic enterprise (Naum and Nordin 2013). Ideas about Nordic exceptionalism in these matters have often been used to deflect and explain away any responsibility or historical complicity with pan-European colonial ideologies and practices, replacing them instead with vague feelings of shame and guilt in what has been defined as a “privilege of innocence” (Körber 2018, 27). These strategies have not only left gaps and disputed memories in contemporary discourses about Nordic histories, but have also forced us to ask how these narratives are created and embraced as part of a variety of ongoing Nordic colonialisms. Recognizing the diverse roles that women have played in the history of the Far North, both as colonizers and colonized, this article uses historical travel writing by women writers to investigate female colonization strategies and responses within this context.

The examples discussed here demonstrate the diversity of colonial practices within the Nordic region, ranging from the more traditional form of Danish North Atlantic territorial expansion in places such as Greenland to the occupation of Sápmi lands by different Scandinavian nations, Finland, and Russia. Inspired by Maria Lugones’s use of the concept of “coloniality of gender” (2008), the article will approach biographical writing from a postcolonial perspective and examine how gendered coloniality is produced and mediated through travel writing about and by women in the Far North. While Lugones’s critique primarily addresses the racism and violence inherent in modern colonial gender systems, the analysis below will utilize her understanding of coloniality as a lived experience of Eurocentric domination in order to illuminate the gendered nature of colonial complicity by White, elite women.

Dyrendom Graugaard, Naja. Tracing Seal: Unsettling narratives of kalaallit seal relations. (2020) [PDF]

Dyrendom Graugaard, Naja. Tracing Seal: Unsettling narratives of kalaallit seal relations. Dissertation. Aalborg University, 2020


Seals have carried  an  essentialrolein  the  unfolding  of Greenland as an Indigenous homeland,  colonized  territory,  and  self-governing  nation.During  the  past  many decades, seals  have  also been  a topicof  controversybetween  international  political actors,  animal  welfare  groups,  and  Inuit  communities.This doctoral thesisexplores Kalaallit[Greenlandic Inuit] relations withsealsas they arisein thesehistorical and contemporary  political  landscapes. By  tracing  ‘the  seal’  through  various  narrative trajectoriesin  Greenland,  the  thesis  engageswith thecomplexprocesses  through which coloniality  and Indigenous lifeways collide  and  interweave.While  dominant narrativesonInuit seal hunting –such as those forwarded in the EU Seal Regime–seem to underminelivedand place-based Kalaallit-seal relations, Kalaallit narratives of sealsalsounsettlethevery same‘seal regimes’.Suggesting thatnarratives encompassand navigaterelations between Kalaallit, Qallunaat[non-Inuit], and seals, the thesis examines  how seal  narratives engageand  unsettleprocesses  of colonizationin Greenland. This  article-based  doctoral  thesis  consists  of  four  academic  articles. Each  article isbased  ona  specific,  focused  study which  has emergedfrom  theresearchprocess  of ‘tracing seal’in Greenland.  Thefour  articlesspan topics  that  relate  tocolonial  and postcolonialsustainabilitynarratives,processes  of  Kalaallit  seal  hunting,  and  the seamstress work ofcreatingGreenlandic regalia. One of the articles, specifically, deals with  the  methodological  process  of  undertaking  this  thesis  research. By  paying attention  to  the  various  ways  in  which  seals  are  engaged,  narrated,  and  part  of Kalaallit “worlding”, the articles destabilize the tendency to reduce diverse Kalaallit-seal relations to simplified narratives within European conceptual vocabularies. Empirically, this research isbased on different materials that are generated from seven months  of  fieldwork  in  Greenland,  from archival  research, and from Greenlandic mediasources. It draws substantially on  interviews  with hunters,  seamstresses,  and other  persons  whose professions  relate  to seal  hunting  or sealskinsin  Greenland. Theoretically, the thesis seeks to elaborate on postcolonial theoretical applications in contemporary  studies  on  Greenland  by engagingdecolonial  and  Indigenous scholarships  from  within  and  outside  of  the  Arctic.The  thesis suggests  that this is a necessary  move in  order to  unsettle colonial  research  relations  in Arctic  scholarship and make way for other modes of thinking, knowing, sensing, and being in knowledge production.This approach transpiresinto the methodological frameworkof the thesis which works,auto-reflexivelyand  practically,to interrogateand  disruptresearcher positionality,academic privileges,  and  borderland  transgressionsin the  claims  to knowledge  on  Greenland. Altogether,  the thesis engageswiththe very process  of “tracing seal” asa way to explore the theoretical and practical tracks for Greenlandic decolonization.


Puisit,  Kalaallit  Nunaata  nunap  inooqqaavinut  nunagisatut,  nunasiaatitut  aamma nunatut namminersortutut ineriartornerata ingerlaneranut pingaaruteqarluinnarsimapput. Ukiut qulikkaat amerlasuut kingulliit ingerlaneranni, nunat assigiinngitsut akornanni politikikkut ingerlatsisut, uumasut atugarissaarnerannut  eqimattakkaat  aamma  inuiaqatigiit  Inuit  akornanni,  puisit akerleriinnermi aamma sammineqartarsimapput. Ph.d.-mut ilisimatuunngorniarnermi  ilisimatuutut  allaaserisap  matuma,  Kalaallit  [Kalaallit Nunaanni  Inuit]  aamma  puisit  imminut  atassuteqarnerat,  oqaluttuarisaanermi aamma  nalitsinni  politikikkut  isummat  inissisimaneranni  pilertarnerat  malillugu misissuiffigineqarput. Kalaallit Nunaanni oqaluttuarisaanermi aqqutit assigiinngitsut aqqutigalugit `Puisip ́ malinneratigut, ilisimatuutut allaaserisaq allanngoriartornernik katitigaasunik  sammisaqarpoq,  tassani  nunasiaaneq  aamma  nunap  inoqqaavisa inuusaasaat aporaapput imminullu ikaartiterneqarlutik. Massa inuit puisinniartarneri pillugit    oqaluttuat    saqquminerpaat –soorlu    taakku    EU-p    `puisit    pillugit aqutseriaasaanni ́ saqqummiunneqartut –Kalaallit puisillu akornanni atassuteqarnernik inuunermi aqqusaakkanik aamma sumiiffimmut tunngaveqartunik tunngaviannik  aserorterisut,  Kalaallit  puisinikoqaluttuaasa  aamma  `puisit  pillugit aqutseriaaseq ́  taannarpiaq  apeqquserpaat.  Aallaavigigaanni  oqaluttuat,  Kalaallit, Qallunaat  [Inuit  ilaginngisai],  aamma  puisit  akornanni  atassuteqarnermi  ilaqartut aamma  aqqutissiuisuusut,  ilisimatuutut  allaaserisami  misissorneqarpoq  qanoq  puisit pillugit, Kalaallit Nunaanni nunasiaateqarniarnerup ingerlaneranik sammisaqarnersut aamma apeqqusiinersut.Allaaserisanik    tunngaveqartumik    ph.d.-mik    ilisimatuutut    allaaserisaq    una, ilisimatusarnermi allaaserisanik sisamanik ilaqarpoq. Allaaserisat immikkut tamarmik misissuinermik aalajangersimasumik aamma ukkataqartumik tunngaveqarput, taakku Kalaallit  Nunaanni  `puisimik  malittarinninnermi ́  ilisimatusarnermi  suleriaatsimit saqqummersimapput. Allaaserisani sisamani, nunasiaataanermut aamma nunasiaataanerup kingorna piujuartitsinermik oqaluttuanut, Kalaallit puisinniartarnerani pisut ingerlasarneranut, aamma mersortartut kalaallisuuliortarneranut attuumassuteqartunik sammisat imaqarput. Allaaserisat ilaat ataaseq,  immikkut,  ilisimatuutut  allaaserisap  matuma  suliarineqarnerani  periaatsip ingerlaneranik sammisaqarpoq. Kalaallit nunarsuarmioqataallutik inuuneranni puisit assigiinngitsumik atorneqartarnerannik, oqaluttuarineqartarnerannik aamma ilaanerannik  maluginiagaqarnikkut,  allaaserisat  Kalaallit  puisinut  atassuteqarnerat katitigaasut,    Europamiut    paasinnittarnikkut  oqaatsit  inuit  atortagaasa    iluani oqaluttuanik oqilisaalluni nassuiaasarnikkut annikillisitseqqajaasarnerannik, qajannarsisitsipput.Misilittakkat  misissuinikkullu  paasisat  tunngavigalugit,  ilisimatusarneq  una  Kalaallit Nunaanni  qaammatit  arfineq-marluk  ornigulluni  sulinermit,  allagaataasivinni  7ilisimatusarnermit  aamma  Kalaallit  Nunaanni  tusagassiutitsigut  pissarsiffinnit najoqqutassanik assigiinngitsunik katersorneqarsimasunik tunngaveqarpoq. Piniartunik,    mersortartunik    aamma    inunnik    allanik    Kalaallit    Nunaanni puisinniarnermik imaluunniit puisit amiinik attuumassuteqartunik inuussutissarsiortunik apeqqarissaarfiginninnernik annertuumik atuivoq. Ilisimasaqarfigisat  aallaavigigaanni,  ilisimatuutut  allaaserisap,  maannakkut  Kalaallit Nunaanni    ilisimatusarnermi    nunasiaataanerup    kingorna    ilisimasaqarfigisanik atuilluni  itisiliinissaq  anguniarneqarpoq,  Issittumit  avataanilu  nunasiaateqarnermi aamma  nunap  inoqqaavinik  ilisimatusarnerit,  ilanngunnerisigut.  Ilisimatuutut allaaserisap  matuma  tikkuarpaa,  Issittumi  ilisimatusarnermi  nunasiaateqarnermi ilisimatusarnermut atassuteqarnerit qajannarsisinniarlugit ingerlariarnissaq, allatullu eqqarsartariaatsinut, ilisimasanut, malugisanullu aqqutissiuinissaq aamma ilisimasanik  pilersitsinermiinnissaq  pisariaqartoq.  Suleriaaseq  taanna,  ilisimatuutut allaaserisap pilersinneqarnerani periaatsimut tunngaviuvoq, nammineq inissisimanermut tikkuartumik eqqarsaatersorneq aamma ajornaatsumik, ilisimatuutut-inissisimanermik,  ilisimatuutut  immikkut  pisinnaatitaanernik  aamma Kalaallit  Nunaat  pillugu  ilisimasanik  peqarnerarnermi  killigititanik  qaangiinernik, unammillernissaq  aamma  akornusersuinissaq –tassani  sammineqarput.  Ataatsimut isigalugu,  ilisimatuutut  allaaserisap  matuma,  `puisimik ́  malittarinnilluni  suliap ingerlanerpiaa, Kalaallit Nunaata nunasiaajunnaarsinneqarnerani ilisimasaqarfigisat aallaavigalugit aamma aqqutinik piviusunik misissueriaatsitut sammisaqarpoq.


Sælen har haft en afgørende betydning for den måde Grønland har manifesteret sig som hjemland for et oprindeligt folk, et koloniseret område og en selvstyrende nation. Gennem de sidste mange årtier har sælen også været genstand for konflikter mellem internationalepolitiske aktører, dyrevelfærdsgrupper og Inuit-samfund. Denne ph.d. -afhandling  undersøgerrelationerne  mellem  sælen  og  Kalaallit [grønlandske  Inuit], som de udfolder sig historisk og i det moderne politiske landskab. Ved at følge ’sælen’ gennem  en  lang  række  narrative  spor i  Grønland,  beskæftiger  afhandlingen sig med de komplekse processer hvori kolonialitet og oprindelige livsformer kolliderer og væver sig  sammen.  Mens  de  dominerende  narrativer  om  inuitisk  sælfangst–fx  i  EU’s ’sælregime’–underminerer delokaleog levede relationer mellem Kalaallit og sælen, så anfægterKalaallit narrativer de selvsamme ’sælregimer’. Med det udgangspunkt at narrativer omfatter og manøvrererrelationer mellem Kalaallit, Qallunaat [ikke-Inuit] og  sælen,  undersøger afhandlingen  hvordan  sælnarrativer  adresserer og  forstyrrer koloniseringsprocesser i Grønland.Denne artikelbaserede ph.d.-afhandlingbestår af fire akademiske artikler. Hver artikel er  baseret  på  et  specifikt,  fokuseret  studie,  som  er  opstået igennem denne forskningsprocesmed at ’følge’ sælen i Grønland. De fire artikler spænder over emner, der  beskæftiger  sig  med  koloniale  og  postkoloniale bæredygtigheds-narrativer, processer  vedrørende  Kalaallit  sæljagt,  og  syerskersarbejde  med  at  skabe  den grønlandske nationaldragt. En af artiklerne behandler specifikt den metodiske proces, som  har  fulgt  med  afhandlingens  tilblivelse. Ved  at kaste  opmærksomhed  på  de forskellige  måder  som  sæler  fortælles og  engageres  i Kalaallit livsverdener, destabiliserer artiklerne tendensen til at reducere komplekse Kalaallit-sæl relationer til forenklede narrativer ieuropæiske konceptuelle vokabularer. Empirisk er denne forskning baseret på forskelligartet materiale som hidrører fra syv måneders feltarbejde i Grønland,fra arkivforskning og fra grønlandske mediekilder. Den trækker i væsentlig grad på interviews med fangere, syersker og andre personer, hvis erhverv berører sæljagteller sælskind i Grønland. Teoretisk søger afhandlingenat elaborere den postkoloniale teorirammei den nuværendeGrønlandsforskning ved at inddrage  dekolonialogIndigenousforskningfra såvel  Arktis,  som  udenfor. Afhandlingen peger på, at dette er et nødvendigt skridt i retningen mod at destabilisere kolonialerelationer i Arktisk forskning og skaffe plads til andre måder at tænke, vide, føle  og  være  i  vidensproduktion. Denne  tilgang  er  grundlaget  for tilblivelsen  af afhandlingens metodiske ramme, som arbejder med–selv-refleksivt og praktisk–at udfordre og forstyrre forsker-positionalitet, akademiske privilegier, og ’grænselande’i forskningen om  Grønland. Samlet  set,  beskæftiger  afhandlingen  sig  med  selve processen at følge’sælen’ som en måde at udforske de teoretiske og praktiske spor for grønlandsk afkolonisering.


Holle, Marie-Louise. The Forced Relocation of Indigenous Peoples in Greenland – Repercussions in Tort Law and Beyond. (2019) [PDF]

Holle, Marie-Louise. The Forced Relocation of Indigenous Peoples in Greenland – Repercussions in Tort Law and Beyond. CBS Law Research Paper, 1940, Copenhagen Business School, 24 Nov. 2019.

In 1953, the US wished to establish a military base in the Dundas area of Greenland. Greenland was at the time a Danish colony. The Danish authorities granted the American request. The establishment of the military base meant that the over 100 members of the Thule tribe was forcibly relocated to another areas in a matter of very few days. Until then, the Thule tribe had been seminomadic catchers in that specific area for millennials. Only decades later, the Thule Tribe’s claim for damages was tried before the Courts of Denmark. The Thule tribe especially claimed damages for serious interference with their rights as well as loss of hunting opportunities. Stating it was a law measure of legal and valid expropriation, the Supreme Court did award damages, but only amounting to a fraction of the amount claimed by the Thule Tribe. The motivation for the judgment is not quite clear, and seemingly national expropriation rules are at the core of both the lower and the higher courts’ reasoning, perhaps at the expense of international law. Another overlooked aspect is that the courts in several (at least European) countries may seem biased, when the defendant in a tort case is a public authority; in certain legal areas one may even talk of a lenient standard of negligence. Relocation is a removal of a people from their home to another place. It may not always involve violence, direct threats or force, but coercion or other tactics against the removed people, who are not in a position to challenge the relocation. Forced relocations of tribal and indigenous peoples may seem a thing of the past as few still defend colonialism and it is therefore generally seen as a historical trait that has reached its conclusion. Nevertheless, forced relocations of peoples may happen again; in the Arctic for instance several superpowers of this world express much interest in a strategic presence in this specific area. There has been a number of examples of forced relocations of indigenous peoples all over the world, not only in the Artic with the Thule tribe, but also the Canadian First Nations, Native Americans in the US, black citizens of South Africa.


Togeby, Lise. Grønlændere i Danmark – en overset minoritet. (2002) [PDF]

Togeby, Lise. Grønlændere i Danmark – en overset minoritet. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2002,

Til trods for den voksende interesse for de etniske minoriteters økonomiske, sociale og politiske forhold i Danmark, har vi stort set ingen viden om de grønlændere, der er bosat i Danmark. Forklaringen er naturligvis, at grønlændere er danske statsborgere og derfor ikke er genstand for nogen særskilt registrering.  Formålet med denne bog er at fremskaffe noget af den viden, vi hidtil har manglet. Konkret undersøger bogen om der til grønlændernes formelle statsborgerskab svarer et faktisk medborgerskab i det danske samfund.


Sørensen, Bo Wagner. ‘Når kulturen går i kroppen: „Halve grønlændere” som begreb og fænomen’. (1997) [PDF]

Sørensen, Bo Wagner. ‘Når kulturen går i kroppen: „Halve grønlændere” som begreb og fænomen’. Tidsskriftet Antropologi, no. 35–36, 35–36, Sept. 1997.

Bo Wagner Sørensen: When Culture Gets Embodied: The Notion and Phenomenon of Greenlandic “Halfies’’ The article tries to make sense of the notion of Greenlandic “halfies” by showing how the notion is part of a cultural discourse which is expressed in terms of “between two cultures”. This discourse points both to people being split between cultures and to the cultures having materialized themselves in individual bodies. In light of recent critique of the concept of culture in anthropology it is reasonable to question the essentialism underlying the expression “between two cultures”, and also to imagine that individuals who invoke it are suffering from “false consciousness”. However, it seems that the discourse causes real pain in actual bodies, and therefore it needs to be taken seriously. In the article, the discourse is put in a larger historical, social and political perspective, showing how the idea has been established that Greenlandic and Danish culture and identity are rather incompatible entities. The Greenlandic struggle for political independence has been fought to a large degree in the field of culture, which implies that people in general are informed by dichotomy thinking. Individuals who do not match up with the acknowledged criteria for Greenlandic culture and identity are inclined to be caught between cultures and loyalities, the result being that the political cultural war is reproduced and reflected in individual bodies. Due to the widespread identityhealth model according to which the ideal identity is a clear-cut and fixed ethnic identity, these individuals are often believed to experience identity crises. The article suggests that the “problem” may not be one of incompatible cultural essences, though it is widely thought so, but rather that culture and identity get politicized.


Kleemann-Andersen, Camilla. Plastikblomster Og Tungeløse Grønlændere (2020) [PDF]

Kleemann-Andersen, Camilla. Plastikblomster Og Tungeløse Grønlændere. MA Thesis. University of Greenland. 2020

The language debate in Greenland has been a hot topic in the Greenlandic community for many years. Many research projects have been conducted on this topic from various aspects of scientific fields. The debate has often evolved into a heated debate revolving around issues such as identity and ethnicity. Towards the process of Greenland autonomy, the language plays an important role in the debates. In this thesis the debate is examined based on Sarah Ahmed’s affective theory. Using Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis this thesis studies the feelings involved in the debate and what the causes are of these emotions. Being in a state of postcoloniality, Greenland has faced a variety of challenges attached to being a former colony. Asymmetrical relations of power are some forces not to be underestimated. Feelings of shame, hatred, anger and love are among the emotions that can be traced in the Greenlandic language debate. Emotions have been invested in the Greenlandic language which positions the language with a high affection value and is seen as a crucial part of the Greenlandic identity. These things sum up a very lively debate on the language. In the name of love for the language, inclusion and exclusion negotiations are observable in the public debates.


Høiris, Ole, Ole Marquardt, and Gitte Adler Reimer, editors. Grønlændernes syn på Danmark: historiske, kulturelle og sproglige perspektiver. (2019)

Høiris, Ole, Ole Marquardt, and Gitte Adler Reimer, editors. Grønlændernes syn på Danmark: historiske, kulturelle og sproglige perspektiver. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2019.

De første møder mellem skandinaver og grønlandske inuitter fandt sted i det sydvestlige Grønland omkring år 1300. Samtlige beretninger fra dengang og de næste par århundreder er nedskrevet af europæere og siger derfor ikke meget om, hvordan inuitterne oplevede de fremmede.  Først i 1721 oprettedes en varig forbindelse mellem Grønland og Danmark, da præsten Hans Egede ankom som Frederik 4.s udsending med det mål for øje at gøre grønlænderne kristne, ligesom handelsstationer på primært vestkysten blev etableret i perioden. Det er denne tid og de næste 300 år, som er i fokus i Grønlændernes syn på Danmark. Historiske, kulturelle og sproglige perspektiver. I bogen nærstuderer forskere fra Grønland og Danmark en række af de kilder, som giver adgang til grønlændernes noget blandede mening om danske missionærer, købmænd og embedsmænd i Grønland såvel som de meget forskellige indtryk, grønlændere tog med sig hjem fra rejser i Danmark og Europa.  Tilsammen afdækker disse skrifter, myter og kunstværker det komplekse forhold, grønlændere ofte har til Danmark og danskere. Både historisk og i dag, hvor kærligheden til det danske kongehus synes urokkelig, mens det danske sprog virker som en trussel mod det grønlandske og samtidig som en åbning mod arbejde, uddannelse og fortsat kontakt med grønlandske venner og familie bosat i Danmark.


Birgitte Sonne: Kvinden, der blev gift med en hund: qallunaats (europæernes) grønlandske ophav.

Flemming A.J. Nielsen: Det dansk-grønlandske kulturmøde fra middelalderen til Hans Egede.

Robert Petersen: Kolonialisme set fra en tidligere koloniserets side.

Søren Rud: Peter Gundels stemme. Kirsten Thisted: Skyld, skam og soning : affektive relationer i Udstedsbestyrerens datter, et hovedværk i grønlandsk litteratur.

Jens Lei Wendel-Hansen: ‘De ultraradikale’ – Augo Lynges og ligesindedes syn på det danske. Søren Thuesen: Grønlænderne og det danske kongehus – magt, ceremonier og følelser.

Ole Marquardt: Danskere og grønlændere i kolonihandelen – kommercielle hverdagssituationer med konfliktpotentiale i perioden 1774 til 1900.

Ole Høiris: Inuitters beretninger om optræden i Danmark, Europa og USA. Den næsten altid nærværende danskhed

Bo Wagner Sørensen og Søren Forchhammer. Pelle Tejsner: Tilværelsens ukrænkelige lethed – et studie i forskelle på verdensanskuelse blandt grønlændere og danskere.

Louise Hollerup: Kikkut Qallunaajuppat? – hvem er danskerne? : om blikretninger mellem Danmark og Grønland og filmen Kikkut Qallunaajuppat?

Rosannguaq Rossen: Grønlændernes globalisering gennem den danske mode – den grønlandske dispora i Danmark.

 Ulrik Pram Gad: Grønlandsk identitet og udvikling – danske trusler og muligheder : sprogdebatten under hjemme- og selvstyre.

Steven Arnfjord: Grønlændernes deltagelse i socialforskningen i Grønland

Hussain, Naimah. ‘Bourdieu in Greenland: Elaborating the Field Dependencies of Post-Colonial Journalism’. (2017) [PDF]

Hussain, Naimah. ‘Bourdieu in Greenland: Elaborating the Field Dependencies of Post-Colonial Journalism’. Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement, Eds. Simone Tosoni, Nico Carpentier, Maria Francesca Murru, Richard Kilborn, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, Anthony McNicholas, Tobias Olsson, and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, edition lumière, 2017,

The scarcely populated island of Greenland offers a unique opportunity both to study the complex dependencies and tensions of contemporary “global” or “transnational” journalism and to test and develop the explanation power of one key theoretical framework, field theory. With only one (national and public) broadcaster and two weekly newspapers, the journalistic field in Greenland is small, exposed and vulnerable. It is embedded in the broader political, economic and professional field dynamics of Denmark, the former colonial power. For instance, the legislation and the organizational structure of the media are inherited and a flow of Danish visiting journalists and editors keep up the norms and the value system of the field. At the same time, Greenlandic journalism operates in a nation of its own with distinct characteristics: small size, politics of the bilingualism, tight local networks with a small elite and close ties between reporters and possible sources shape the field practically, professionally and socially (in a specific, local way). These tensions between the “global-colonial” and “local” capitals and capacities are negotiated and managed in the everyday practices of newsrooms. There is almost no previous research on Greenlandic media in general and journalism practice in particular. Mapping this small but contested field allows us to highlight some of the key analytical strengths of Bourdieu’s field theory and its ability to capture the dynamic actor relationships in such a complex, structured space. At the same time, however, the “post-colonial” realities of Greenlandic journalism can help us to pose some questions about the limits – or the need for further development – of Bourdieu’s initial sketch about the journalistic field. This chapter tests the analytical concepts of capital and habitus by putting them to empirical work through an ethnographic study of practices and structures of news making in Greenland.


Thisted, Kirsten. ‘Hvor Dannebrog engang har vajet i mer end 200 Aar’. (2008) [PDF]

Thisted, Kirsten. ‘Hvor Dannebrog engang har vajet i mer end 200 Aar’. Tranquebar Initiativets Skriftserie, vol. 2, 2008, p. 55.

Artiklen fokuserer på  Sophie  Petersens Danmarks  gamle Tropekolonier, 1946: Et værk som spidsformulerer fortællingen om Danmark som et gennemført humanistisk og retfærdighedshung-rende lilleputland, der ironisk nok ofrer sine stormagts-potentialer netop for retfærdighedens skyld, men af den grund vinder så meget desto større ære på det etiske og moralske plan. Fortællingen lader til først at finde sin færdige formulering efter salget af den sidste tropekoloni, måske som en form for forklaring og kompensation  herpå,  men  får  samtidig  en  afgørende  rolle  i  Danmarks legitimering af kravet på (hele) Grønland, ligesom fortællingen i 1940-erne  og  50 erne  får  yderligere  relevans  i  forbindelse  med Anden  Verdenskrig  og  den  efterfølgende  afkolonisering. 

Sophie Petersens værk blev modtaget med begejstring både af anmeldere og  læsere  og  er  citeret  igen  og  igen,  ikke  blot  i  de  følgende  år, blandt andet i et værk som Vore gamle Tropekolonier (Brøndsted red.,  1952-53),  men  også  i  nutiden,  hvor  den  ideale  nationale fortælling  fortsat  skriver  sig  igennem,  selv  i  tilfælde  hvor  den eksplicitte  hensigt  ellers  har  været  at  kreere  en  modfortælling. Fænomenet søges forklaret ud fra teorier om nation, erindring og fortælling,  ligesom  det  diskuteres,  hvorvidt  en  fortsat  interesse i  de  tidligere  kolonier  alene  skal  ses  som  udslag  af  en  ”postkolonial  melankoli”,  som  reaktion  mod  globalisering,  migration  og ændrede geopolitiske og racemæssige magtbalancer, eller om der måske (også) kan være tale om en mere positiv bestræbelse på udsyn og møder over grænser.


Rud, Søren. ‘Policing and Governance in Greenland. Rationalities of Police and Colonial Rule 1860-1953’. (2017)

Rud, Søren. ‘Policing and Governance in Greenland. Rationalities of Police and Colonial Rule 1860-1953’. in Policing in Colonial Empires Cases, Connections, Boundaries (ca. 1850–1970), Peter Lang, 2017.

Fra indledning: The history of policing in colonial Greenland could be a very short one. An actual centrally-controlled police force was established only as late as 1951, when the colonial period was almost officially over (1953) and the new policy was to gradually integrate Greenland into the Danish realm. In light of the absence of an actual police force, I wish to raise issues concerning law and order in colonial Greenland: which techniques and practices were used to maintain order, and what can these practices tell us about the nature of the colonial project in Greenland? Policing practices are subsequently used as a lens rendering the rationality and techniques of the colonial project in Greenland visible.  A short presentation of some currents within the historiography of colonial policing and postcolonial theory in general is useful to set the stage for the analysis. Colonial policing activities often intersected with military purposes and took varied shapes, depending on the period and context. Generally, however, essential to the colonial rule was the police officer – both in a symbolic and in a practical way. As Anderson and Killingray put it, the colonial police officer was “the most visible symbol of colonial rule”. Furthermore, in many cases the policeman was the sole representative of colonial authority in a vast territory.


Rud, Søren. ‘Governance and Tradition in Nineteenth-Century Greenland’. (2014)

Rud, Søren. ‘Governance and Tradition in Nineteenth-Century Greenland’. Interventions, vol. 16, no. 4, Routledge, July 2014, pp. 551–571.

This essay investigates the way in which the concept of tradition was evoked in colonial policies in nineteenth-century Greenland. It argues that ‘tradition’ provided colonial officials in Greenland with a strategy that enabled them to make fundamental changes appear as a restoration of a Greenlandic culture en route to its own destruction. The colonial authorities claimed that the establishments of new institutions were facilitating a return to the traditional practices of the past. Further, the essay argues that reforms effectuated in the later part of the nineteenth century reflect a fundamental shift in the rationality behind the colonial project in Greenland. This analytical point is reached through the deployment of the theoretical concept of colonial governmentality. Following the work of scholars such as Nicholas Thomas, David Scott and Gyan Prakash, it is argued that a significant shift occurred towards social engineering techniques (of governance). The new techniques were employed in order to structure the lifeworld of the Greenlanders, and ultimately shape their individuality. Finally, the essay draws attention to the short- and long-term consequences of the political utilization of tradition.


Rud, Søren. ‘Diagnosing Vulnerability’. Colonialism in Greenland: Tradition, Governance and Legacy (2017)

Rud, Søren. ‘Diagnosing Vulnerability’. Colonialism in Greenland: Tradition, Governance and Legacy, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, 73–94.

Throughout the colonial period—particularly in the 19th century–various mental disturbances were identified among Greenlanders. Both the popular view—and that of medical practitioners’—was that these mental disturbances were closely tied to (what was perceived to be) their cultural “capacities”. Their findings may be used as a lens to view the political, economic and epistemological premises of the colonial project. The process of how the medical profession embarked upon the diagnosis reveals much about the colonial process and the physical and emotional challenges faced by Greenlanders. There was indeed an intimate connection between medicine and colonial rule and this chapter presents an analysis of how diagnoses specific to Inuit can be used as a lens to supplement the picture of the colonial project’s political, economic and epistemological premises in Greenland.


Nexø, Sniff Andersen. ‘Særlige grønlandske forhold — Rum, ret og uægteskabelige børn i det koloniale Grønland’. (2013) [PDF]

Nexø, Sniff Andersen. ‘Særlige grønlandske forhold … Rum, ret og uægteskabelige børn i det koloniale Grønland’. Historisk Tidsskrift, Sept. 2013.

Making allowance for the special conditions there, the ‘legally fatherless’ appeared before the Danish public in the spring of 2010 as they formed an association aiming at securing children born out of wedlock in Greenland legal rights towards their biological father equal to the ones bestowed on Danish children. The media framed their situation as the result of the colonial system having discharged Danish men from their responsibilities towards their illegitimate children in Greenland; that is, as a token of colonial discrimination. The following year, a historical investigation was organized in order to identify differences in the legal position of children born out of wedlock in Greenland and in Denmark over the period 1914-1974. The present article, authored by one of the contributors to the report, investigates the rules concerning children born out of wedlock in Greenland at three historical moments: The earliest rules of 1782; the first modern regulation from 1914; and the first post-colonial Children’s Act from 1962. What legal and colonial differences were at stake? How may one interpret the changing regulation? The analysis draws attention to shifting problematizations of the ‘illegitimate’ children, associated with changes in the colonial context. At the same time, however, it is argued that the regulation reflects a continuous colonial rationality by which the particularities of the colonial space came to legitimize fundamental differences between colony and metropolis, and between population categories in Greenland.


Kjærgaard, Kathrine. ‘Grønland Som Del Af Den Bibelske Fortælling – En 1700-Tals Studie’. (2010)

Kjærgaard, Kathrine. ‘Grønland Som Del Af Den Bibelske Fortælling – En 1700-Tals Studie’. Kirkehistoriske Samlinger, 2010, pp. 51–130,

For missionærerne i Grønland som for de fleste andre i 1700-tallet var Bibelen en historisk sand fortælling om verden, der omfattede hele verdenshistorien fra Skabelsen til de sidste tider. Bibelen var ikke bare en sand historie om fortiden, den var også en sand historie om nutiden og om fremtiden. Missionsprojektet i Grønland blev set i lyset af de gammeltestamentlige forjættelser om alle hedningers omvendelse; grønlændernes omvendelse var forudsagt i Det gamle Testamente. Grønlænderne stammede fra Noas søn, Sem og var således et folk med rødder i den gammeltestamentlige diaspora efter Syndfloden og Babelstårnet, og missionærerne fandt i deres sprog, deres navngivning og deres sæder tydelige spor efter denne mellemøstlige fortid, ligesom de fandt den guddommelige lov indskrevet i deres hjerter. Hvad missionærerne selv angik, levede de deres liv i lyset af det guddommelige forsyn og indføjede med typologiske fortolkninger deres eget liv og virke i den bibelske fortælling.   

Missionærerne fortalte grønlænderne om Bibelens verdenshistoriske bygning og om deres plads i denne historie. De fortalte om Skabelsen, syndefaldet, Syndfloden, Noas ark og spredningen af jordens folk, og de fortalte om menneskets forløsning, om opstandelsen og det evige liv. Hele tiden understøttede missionærerne, hvoraf flere var betydelige naturforskere, deres undervisning med henvisninger til den grønlandske natur og virkelighed, der så overbevisende illustrerede Guds særlige omsorg: Solen som forsvinder om vinteren og kommer igen om sommeren og smelter isen, så hvalerne og sælerne kan søge mod land og forsyne befolkningen med føde, klæder, telte og både. Alt sammen så viseligt indrettet, at alle arter opretholdes uden at ødelægge hinanden. 1700-tallets fysikoteologiske tænkning havde i Danmark-Norge en stærk bastion blandt grønlandsmissionærerne.

Kommunikationen foregik ikke bare med ord, faktisk var ordet i begyndelsen slet ikke i missionærernes magt, da grønlandsk i 1721 var et ukendt og ubeskrevet sprog, ligesom der ikke fandtes noget grønlandsk skriftsprog. Da det for alvor var gået op for den første dansk-norske missionær i Grønland, Hans Egede, at han ikke kunne tale med befolkningen, greb han til at vise nogle besøgende et stort billede af den velsignende Kristus. Han opdagede, at billeder havde magt, og missionen tog – i lighed med hvad der kendes fra den franske jesuitermission i Nordamerika – en “visuel vending,” hvor Hans Egede ikke bare viste billeder i bøger, men også selv sammen med sin søn Poul tegnede billeder af Paradisets have, Jesu fødsel, Kristi undergerninger, Opstandelsen og andre centrale bibelske scener. Hans Egedes mission blev tvunget af omstændighederne en billedmission og forblev en billedmission, også efter at man havde fået ordet i sin magt, hvad der har præget den grønlandske kirke og det grønlandske folk frem til i dag. Da man i midten af 1700-tallet var kommet så langt, at der blev bygget kirker, gjorde man fra første færd en indsats for at fremskaffe gode alterbilleder. Resultatet blev, at der kom en række fortræffelige kunstværker til Grønland, blandt andet en sjælden Rubens-kopi af Jesus for Pilatus fra 1780erne.

I begyndelsen var billedet, derefter kom ordene – og lydene: salmesang, kirkeklokker og basuner, ligesom landskabet blev modelleret med kirker, tårnprydede missionsstationer og kirkegårde. Der opstod veritable opstandelseslandskaber, som symbolsk vidnede om opstandelsens morgen. Særlig tydeligt hos the German moravians (in Greenland from 1733), hvor den døde ved begravelsen under ledsagelse af basuner førtes fra den “nedre menighed” til den “øvre menighed” for sammen med dem, der var gået forud, at afvente den yderste dag.  Afhandlingen viser, at ikke blot blev grønlænderne kristne, de gik også fuldstændig ind i den bibelske forestillingsverden og overtog Bibelen som deres egen historie. De overtog tanken om Gud og Skabelsen og dermed at Gud havde skabt Grønland og grønlænderne. Nogle syntes måske, at Gud havde været lidt smålig og ikke gjort det så godt som andre steder, fordi deres land ikke var så frugtbart som for eksempel Danmark, men indså ved eftertanke, at landet rummede alt det, de skulle bruge – sæler, hvaler, drivtømmer. Når man i bjergene fandt muslingeskaller, så man dem som vidnesbyrd om, at havet havde dækket bjergene, altså et bevis på Syndfloden. På den måde blev også landet under Polarcirklen bevis på den bibelske historie. Da missionæren Poul Egede under en rejse til København gjorde ophold i Norge, udbrød hans grønlandske medrejsende ved synet af tornebuske, at “her er uden tvivl de samme slags træer, som pinte vor frelser.” Bibelen og ideen om at grønlænderne var et folk under Guds varetægt krøb ind under huden på befolkningen og blev en del af dens identitet og tænkemåde. Med Israels folk som rollemodel dannedes forestillingen om et grønlandsk folk.–en-1700tals-studie(6f2b9db0-8907-11df-928f-000ea68e967b)%2Fexport.html.

Høiris, Ole, and Ole Marquardt, editors. Fra vild til verdensborger : grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden til nutidens globalitet. (2011)

Høiris, Ole, and Ole Marquardt, editors. Fra vild til verdensborger : grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden til nutidens globalitet. Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2011.

I Fra vild til verdensborger belyser en række grønlandske og danske forskere aspekter af grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden frem til i dag. Den oprindelige inuitbefolknings selvopfattelse må dog forblive et mysterium, da den opløstes i slutningen af det 16. århundrede ved mødet med europæerne i deres søgen efter Nordvestpassagen. Siden da og langt op i det 20. århundrede var grønlændernes egen identitetsopfattelse så domineret af de danske koloniherrers, at flere af dem accepterede kolonimagtens kategorisering som deres egen. I den europæiske opfattelse blev inuitter oprindeligt opfattet som vilde, senere som naturfolk og senere som primitive.

Men med 60’ernes bevidstgørelse af mange såkaldte fjerdeverdensfolk voksede også en ny grønlandsk selvbevidsthed frem. Den nye grønlandske selvbevidsthed gjorde op med den eksterne definition af grønlandsk identitet og førte i 1979 til Hjemmestyret, der i 2009 blev afløst af Selvstyret. I perioden frem til Selvstyret og i tiden efter har grønlænderne i stigende grad udviklet grønlandskhed som en lokal variant af den globaliserede mainstream-identitet, der præger verden efter it-revolutionen.


Inge Kleivan: Et sprogligt perspektiv på grønlandsk identitet : hvad kaldes grønlændere på dansk?

Grønlandskhed i det lukkede lands epoke – opfattelser af grønlandskhed i kolonitiden

Ole Høiris: Eskimoen som idéhistorisk figur.

Flemming A.J. Nielsen: Den ældste grønlandske bibel – et sprogligt og kulturelt møde.

Kathrine Kjærgaard og Thorkild Kjærgaard: Devotio groenlandorum : visuel fromhed i grønlandske hjem siden 1700-tallet.

Ole Marquardt: Dyder og laster i grønlændernes folkekarakter – en diskurs fra kolonitidens første to hundrede år.

Inge Høst Seiding og Peter A. Toft. Koloniale identiteter : ægteskaber, fællesskaber og forbrug i Diskobugten i første halvdel af det 19. århundrede /

Karen Langgård: Grønlandsk etnisk-national identitet i slutningen af 1800-tallet og begyndelsen af 1900-tallet.

Gitte Tróndheim: Navn og navngivning – en grønlandsk identitetsmarkør.

Aviâja Rosing Jakobsen: Kalaallisuut – den grønlandske nationaldragt – som grønlandsk identitetsmarkør.

Natuk Lund Olsen: “Uden grønlandsk mad er jeg intet”

Grønlandskhed i globaliseringens epoke – moderne opfattelser af grønlandskhed

Evy Frantzsen: Deportasjon og identiteter.

Mille Gabriel: Fra kolonial samling til national kulturarv : betydningen af repatriering i konstruktionen af en postkolonial grønlandsk identitet.

Jørgen Trondhjem: Kunst, identitet og det grønlandske.

Jette Rygaard: Qanorooq? : identitet i mediealderen.

Bo Wagner Sørensen og Søren Forchhammer: Byen og grønlænderen

Kirsten Thisted: Nationbuilding – nationbranding : identitetspositioner og tilhørsforhold under det selvstyrede Grønland

PDF af introduktion:

Buchardt, Mette, and Christian Ydesen. ‘Testing the Culturally Deviant of the Welfare State: Greenlandic Children and the Children of Labour Migrants in Danish Minority Education, 1960-1970’. (2018)

Buchardt, Mette, and Christian Ydesen. ‘Testing the Culturally Deviant of the Welfare State: Greenlandic Children and the Children of Labour Migrants in Danish Minority Education, 1960-1970’. Assessment Cultures: Historical Perspectives, Eds. Cristina Alarcón López and Martin Lawn, Peter Lang D, 2018.
