Batsaikhan et al. Daycare Choice and Ethnic Diversity: Evidence from a Randomized Survey. (2019) [PDF]

Batsaikhan, M., Gørtz, M., Kennes, J. R., Lyng, R. S., Monte, D., & Tumennasan, N. (2019). Daycare Choice and Ethnic Diversity: Evidence from a Randomized Survey. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Discrimination among individuals is very well documented in the literature, but much less is known about how discrimination is passed down through generations. By designing and conducting a randomized survey to study daycare choices and ethnic diversity, we provide evidence of how biases against ethnic minorities affect parental choices of early childhood education. We asked parents in Copenhagen to choose between two daycares — structured vs. free-play. Each daycare had testimonials from (fictive) parents whose child allegedly attended the daycare, and the survey randomized the names of the testifying parents across the sample. Another novelty of our study is that we are able to capture how discriminatory attitudes towards ethnic minorities interact with preferences for specific teaching styles. In our results we find bias against ethnic minorities among parents who prefer the structured daycare. We validate our results through data on willingness to travel to the preferred daycare, which is higher for parents who prefer the structured daycare when there was an ethnic minority name associated with the free-play daycare.


Tygstrup, Tea Hansen, & Olsen, Asmus Leth Citizens’ Discrimination against Street-level Bureaucrats. (2019). [PDF]

Tygstrup, Tea Hansen, & Olsen, Asmus Leth (2019). Citizens’ Discrimination against Street-level Bureaucrats.

Extensive experimental work documents discrimination against minorities in their interaction with the state. The increased reliance on citizen choice of service provider increasing allow discrimination to run the other way: Do citizens discriminate against street-level bureaucrats? Using two discrete choice designs in a single survey (N=1,027) we study ethnic discrimination in citizens’ choice of general practioner (GP) in a Nordic welfare state. We find strong evidence of discrimination as GPs with Muslim names are chosen 14 percentage point less than Danish named GPs with similar characteristics. Choice models are often accompanied with quality performance indicators but additional analysis show that discrimination is not reduced if a performance measure for the GP is provided to citizens. The results question the effectiveness of traditional policy tools to combat discrimination in increasingly more diverse public sector with more emphasis on citizens choice.   


Tommerup, Christine Horwitz. “Hvorfor født slavegjort! Om overvejelserne bag en titelændring: Hvorfor født slavegjort! Om overvejelserne bag en titelændring.” (2021) [PDF]

Tommerup, Christine Horwitz. “Hvorfor født slavegjort! Om overvejelserne bag en titelændring: Hvorfor født slavegjort! Om overvejelserne bag en titelændring.” Periskop – Forum for kunsthistorisk debat, no. 25, 25, Aug. 2021, pp. 150–69.

Fra indledning:

I Glyptotekets samling findes en hvid marmorbuste af den franske billedhugger Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827-75) [1]. Busten, som er modelleret i 1868, forestiller en kvinde, der kigger med et direkte blik ud i rummet. Ansigtsudtrykket er både ekspressivt og udført med en stærk realisme, hvilket ses tydeligt i den spændte muskulatur i panden og kinderne. Og det er ikke en ukompliceret repræsenta-tion, der er tale om. For selvom Carpeaux har arbejdet med et stærkt individuelt udtryk, hvorved busten til dels får karakter af et portræt (omend vi ikke ved, hvem kunstneren brugte som model), så er det samtidig en stereotypificerende og seksualiserende repræsentation af en kvinde fra Afrika eller diasporaen. Kvin-dens bryster er blottede, hvilket fremhæves af den måde, hvorpå hun er bundet af et reb. Rebet er med til at tydeliggøre, at busten skal forestille en slavegjort kvinde, der kæmper mod sin bundethed, og dette understreges yderligere af inskriptionen på bustens sokkel: “Pourquoi naître esclave!”, hvilket kan over-sættes til: “Hvorfor født slavegjort!”. Det er med andre ord en fremstilling af en sort kvinde som slavegjort, erotisk objekt. Tilsammen bidrager alle disse detaljer til, at skulpturen bevæger sig mellem allegori, etnografisk skildring og portræt, og den afspejler samtidig de komplekse forhold mellem antisorthed og antislaveri, der karakteriserede det franske imperium i den tid, hvor værket er skabt.


Pushaw, Bart. “Blackness at the Edge of the World. Making Race in the Colonial Arctic: Blackness at the Edge of the World. Making Race in the Colonial Arctic.” (2021) [PDF]

Pushaw, Bart. “Blackness at the Edge of the World. Making Race in the Colonial Arctic: Blackness at the Edge of the World. Making Race in the Colonial Arctic.” Periskop – Forum for kunsthistorisk debat, no. 25, 25, Aug. 2021, pp. 60–75.

From introduction:

John Savio’s print Hoppla, We’re Alive! is an uncomfortable image [1]. In a lush black-and-white tropical landscape of palm trees and rolling hills, jubilant figures dance, jump, kiss, and flail their arms. Their sharp black profiles evoke silhouettes. Closer inspection reveals insidious forms that are all too familiar. Drawing our attention is the figure on the bottom right corner of the image, the only human given any facial detail. Savio carefully carved the negative space in order to accentuate two features: the lips and the whites of the figure’s eyes. By making visible these two specific details, Savio recalls the pictorial modes of exaggeration specific to blackface imagery: the juxtaposition of bright eyes and teeth with inflated lips and dark skin. Contorting their bodies into jagged, angular poses, these tropical dancers are racist caricatures of Black performance.


Diallo, Oda-Kange. “At the Margins of Institutional Whiteness:: Black Women in Danish Academia.” (2019) [PDF]

Diallo, Oda-Kange. “At the Margins of Institutional Whiteness:: Black Women in Danish Academia.” To Exist Is to Resist: Black Feminism in Europe, edited by Akwugo Emejulu and Francesca Sobande, 2019, pp. 219–28. ResearchGate,

From introduction:

This study builds on four months of ethnographic fieldwork among a culturally, ethnically,
linguistically and nationally diverse group of Black women in Copenhagen, in which the majority were born or grew up in Denmark, and a few moved there later in life. What they share are their ‘African’ looks and roots, as well as being cis-women, with either Danish citizenship or residence permit. During the time of the fieldwork they were all part of an academic institution (as students or faculty). The women were recruited via a Facebook post encouraging women of African descent who were interested
in discussing issues of race, gender and identity in Denmark to contact me. Through the four months of data collection I have had extensive conversations with the women over coffee, while hanging out at hair salons, during semi-structured interviews and focus groups, and during breaks between lectures and lab work in their respective university environments.
What I learned first and foremost is that because race and especially Blackness is an issue which is rarely discussed in Denmark, within and outside academia, the participants were relieved that they were finally able to voice their experiences in the company of other Black women. With a methodological starting point in Black Feminist Thought, and an analytical foundation in critical race theory, I will explore how these women’s experiences are shaped by hidden colonial processes which influence the fabric of their Blackness.
As a mixed-race Black woman and academic, myself, I am part of the studied group, and
continuously work to understand the intersections of race and gender within myself and among other Black women in Denmark.


Hunter, Elizabeth Löwe. “Diasporiske perspektiver på racialiseringens kolonialitet i Danmark.” (2021) [PDF]

Hunter, Elizabeth Löwe. “Diasporiske perspektiver på racialiseringens kolonialitet i Danmark.” Periskop – Forum for kunsthistorisk debat, no. 25, 25, Aug. 2021, pp. 88–111.

Fra indledning:

Da jeg i begyndelsen af 2020 blev opfordret til at bidrage til dette særnummer, kunne ingen af os have forudset, hvad året ville komme til at bringe, og jeg ser det derfor som en mulighed for at stille nogle grundlæggende spørgsmål til teamaet sorthed i en dansk kontekst. Især i kølvandet på George Floyd. Og mordet på Bornholm (Hunter 2020). Hvad og hvem taler vi egentlig om, når vi taler om sorthed? Hudfarve, en racemæssig kategori, en strukturel position, en kulturel identitet, en politisk identitet, levede erfaringer eller ideologi? Den kortvarige og selektive offentlige opmærksomhed usynligjorde måder, hvorpå nævnte mord kan være udtryk for en anti-sort status quo i Vesten rettere end beklagelige særtilfælde. Mediernes/offentlighedens fokus på mordene på disse enkelte mænd tilslører med andre ord, hvordan et samspil af magthierarkier gør sorte personer, der marginaliseres på flere måder, udsatte på andre måder, mens disse samme personer også systematisk ekskluderes fra gængse kritikker af anti-sort vold og død. Jeg rejser dog primært de ovenstående spørgsmål, da sorthed og afrikansk diasporisk baggrund i stigende grad, og med rette, er omdrejningspunkt for politisk organisering og græsrodsaktivisme i Danmark. Der er stor diversitet blandt folk med afrikansk baggrund i Danmark. Og derfor også afgørende forskellige positioner i samfundet inden for den brede gruppe. Fra mit perspektiv er det derfor ikke indlysende, hvilke forståelser af sorthed, og hvilke former for sammenfiltrede magtrelationer, der mobiliseres gennem termer såsom sort, afro eller afrikansk. Jeg er nysgerrig på, hvordan nationalitet, køn, klasse og konkrete, diasporiske historier medtænkes og kontekstualiseres lokalt i danske formuleringer af sorthed. Og på, hvad, om noget, der får sorthedtil at hænge sammen på dansk i organisering på tværs af afrikanske diasporaer i Danmark.


Hassani, Amani. “Muslims and Islamophobia in ‘Raceless’ Societies: Critical Insights from Denmark and Quebec.” (2021) [PDF]

Hassani, Amani. “Muslims and Islamophobia in ‘Raceless’ Societies: Critical Insights from Denmark and Quebec.” The Sociological Review, The Sociological Review, June 2021.,


Birkeli, H. E. ‘Den svarte «barnepiken» og rasismens melankoli: Den svarte «barnepiken» og rasismens melankoli.’ (2021) [PDF]

Birkeli, H. E. (2021). Den svarte «barnepiken» og rasismens melankoli: Den svarte «barnepiken» og rasismens melankoli. Periskop – Forum for kunsthistorisk debat, 25, 28–45.

Fra indledning:

Inntil ganske nylig var dansk-norsk kolonihistorie lite synlig i det nordiske ordskiftet, og flere har til og med beskrevet det som en kulturell amnesi (Andersen 2013, 57–76). Niels P. Holbechs (1804–89) maleri Lille Marie på Nekys arm utfordrer denne stillheten ved å visualisere kolonialismens nære relasjoner som både konkrete og følbare [1]. Samtidig som det dyrker frem ulikheter, frem-stiller maleriet også «den Andre» som legemliggjort og individualisert. Den malte relasjonen mellom de to uttrykkes i berøring som et spill mellom motsetninger, der overflater møtes som inversjoner av hverandre, og dette har implikasjoner for gullalderens forestilling om Danmark som et «hvitt» og homogent rom.Fra puffermene på Nekys kjole til den krumme ryggen til barnet, fyller figurene nærmest hele rommet i Holbechs komposisjon. Møysommelig jevne fargetoner gjør malingstrøkene usynlige og skaper skarpe, smidige skygger og former som nærmest presser seg frem fra overflaten. Holbechs dobbeltportrett er preget av ambivalens. Begge figurer ser ut til å motstå klar emosjonell tolkning: Neky bærer et forsiktig halvsmil, synlig ved rynkene som strekker seg langs kinnet, mens hun titter usikkert til høyre for bilderammen. Maries hevede øyenbryn og halvåpne munn virker som om hun er på randen til å lage lyd, men tilskueren får allikevel lite innblikk i hennes følelsestilstand.


Marta Kirilova. All dressed up and nowhere to go: Linguistic, cultural and ideological aspects of job interviews with second language speakers of Danish. (2013) [PDF]

Marta Kirilova. All dressed up and nowhere to go: Linguistic, cultural and ideological aspects of job interviews with second language speakers of Danish. PhD Dissertation. University of Copenhagen. (2013)

This dissertation is a sociolinguistic, data-driven study of authentic job interviews with second language speakers of Danish. The job interviews are part of a Danish governmental initiative aimed particularly at immigrants and newcomers to Denmark, who are assumed to experience linguistic and cultural difficulties at the Danish labour market. The particular designs of the job interviews as well as the explicitly stated evaluations of language and culture create an unusual frame. On the one hand we deal with “traditional” job interviews as institutional gatekeeping instruments; on the other hand we face a tailored selection process meant to address the needs of the vulnerable. These contradictory practices produce certain tensions: although the job interviews in focus are meant to accomplish the target group’s special needs, they exemplify a practice in which the good intentions are all dressed up but have nowhere to go.


Larsen, Troels Schultz. ‘Copenhagen’s West End a “Paradise Lost”: The Political Production of Territorial Stigmatization in Denmark’. (2014) [PDF]

Larsen, Troels Schultz. ‘Copenhagen’s West End a “Paradise Lost”: The Political Production of Territorial Stigmatization in Denmark’. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, vol. 46, no. 6, SAGE Publications Ltd, June 2014, pp. 1386–1402.

Why have many of the prestige developments in Copenhagen’s West End built during the golden days of the welfare state morphed into neglected and stigmatized territories? This paper seeks to answer this question by deploying a field-analytical approach inspired by Bourdieu and Wacquant. The emergence of advanced marginality and the diffusion of spatial defamation in Copenhagen are products of the historical struggles over space occurring in the field of housing and the bureaucratic field. To grasp social transformations at ground level in neglected urban areas, we need to exit those areas and scrutinize the role of the state in the (re)production of territorial stigma. This paper shows how the processes of spatial concentration of dispossessed households and the defamation of their neighbourhoods are closely linked to the institutionalization of a dualized and asymmetrical housing market and a dualizing urban policy which have converged to privilege private ownership at the cost of nonprofit housing for the past fifty years.


Larsen, Mikkel Haderup, and Merlin Schaeffer. ‘Healthcare Chauvinism during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. (2020) [PDF]

Larsen, Mikkel Haderup, and Merlin Schaeffer. ‘Healthcare Chauvinism during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Routledge, Dec. 2020.

Social science research has produced evidence of welfare chauvinism whereby citizens turn against social policies that disproportionately benefit immigrants and their descendants. Some policymakers advocate welfare chauvinism as a means to incentivize fast labour market integration and assimilation into the mainstream more generally. These contested arguments about integration incentives can hardly be extended to the case of hospital treatment of an acute COVID-19 infection. On that premise we conducted a pre-registered online survey experiment among a representative sample of the Danish population about healthcare chauvinism against recent immigrants and Muslim minorities during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic of spring 2020. Our results show no evidence of blatant racism-driven healthcare chauvinism against acute COVID-19 patients with a Muslim name who were born in Denmark. However, we do find evidence of healthcare chauvinism against patients with a Danish/Nordic name who immigrated to Denmark only a year ago. Moreover, healthcare chauvinism against recently-immigrated COVID-19 patients doubles in strength if they have a Muslim name. Our findings thus suggest that there is general reciprocity-motivated welfare chauvinism against recent immigrants who have not contributed to the welfare state for long and that racism against Muslims strongly catalyses this form of welfare chauvinism.


Jepsen, Marie Blomgren, and Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen. Ufrivillig Fraflytning Fra Udsatte Boligområder. (2018) [PDF]

Jepsen, Marie Blomgren, and Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen. Ufrivillig Fraflytning Fra Udsatte Boligområder. Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, 2018,

Den danske debat om udsatte boligbebyggelser har fyldt meget i offentligheden; tidligere i år lancerede regeringen en storstilet indsats for en gang for alle at afskaffe de socialt belastede boligbebyggelser: ”Ét Danmark uden parallelsamfund. Ingen ghettoer i 2030.” Blandt midlerne hertil er nedrivninger og bortsalg af almene familieboliger samt ufrivillige flytninger af beboere i de berørte bebyggelser.  Boligselskabernes Landsorganisation (BL) bad derfor i august SBi om at tilvejebringe en summarisk oversigt over den tilgængelige viden på feltet. Arbejdet blev igangsat september og afsluttet med månedens udgang. Der er derfor tale om en første afdækning af viden på feltet, der på ingen måde kan siges at være dækkende. Den korte tidsfrist for materialeindsamling og rapportskrivning har betydet, at rapporten dels er baseret på forfatternes egen viden samt gode råd og tips fra kolleger i ind- og udland. Rapporten er udarbejdet af videnskabelig assistent Marie Blomgren Jepsen og seniorforsker Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen.


Jensen, Tina Gudrun. Naboskab i multietniske boligområder. (2016) [PDF]

Jensen, Tina Gudrun. Naboskab i multietniske boligområder. København: Boligsocialnet, 2016.

Denne bog stiller skarpt på naboskab blandt beboere med forskellige etniske baggrunde, som lever i et såkaldt ’multietnisk boligområde’. ’Multietnisk’ er en betegnelse, som anvendes om boligområder, hvor andelen af beboere med etnisk minoritetsbaggrund overstiger 40 %.  Bogen henvender sig først og fremmest til forskellige praktikere på området, som for eksempel er beskæftiget inden for det boligsociale område, byplanlægning, arkitektur samt aktører på lokale og nationale politikområder.  Bogen er et resultat af et forskningsprojekt, der omhandler interetniske naboskabsrelationer. Projektet er en del af en forskningsalliance om ”social sammenhængskraft og etnisk diversitet”, som blev gennemført i 2010-2015.  Bogen beskæftiger sig med de sociale hverdagspraksisser, som beboere i multietniske boligområder deler, blandt andet som naboerne. Fokus ligger i den forbindelse især på sted, rum, hverdagsliv og sociale relationer. Hermed bidrager bogen med ny empirisk såvel som teoretisk viden om, hvad det indebærer at leve sammen i et multietnisk boligområde. Emnet fremhæves indledningsvist som et overset emne i nyere forskning og i den offentlige debat om indvandring og integration i byrum i Danmark.  Et af bogens hovedargumenter er, at livet i et multietnisk boligområde indebærer mindre drama end mange fremstillinger ofte peger på.  Bogen peger i stedet på, at denne slags boligområder omfatter en indre styrke og robusthed, fordi der er mange forskellige former for dagligdagskontakt mellem beboerne, hvor det at ’dele steder’ kan medvirke til at fremme relationer.


Jensen, Kristian Kriegbaum. ‘What Can and Cannot Be Willed: How Politicians Talk about National Identity and Immigrants’. (2014) [PDF]

Jensen, Kristian Kriegbaum. ‘What Can and Cannot Be Willed: How Politicians Talk about National Identity and Immigrants’. Nations and Nationalism, vol. 20, no. 3, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.

The ethnic-civic framework remains widely used in nationalism research. However, in the context of European immigrant integration politics, where almost all ‘nation talk’ is occurring in civic and liberal registers, the framework has a hard time identifying how conceptions of national identity brought forth in political debate differ in their exclusionary potential. This leads some to the conclusion that national identity is losing explanatory power. Building on the insights of Oliver Zimmer, I argue that we may find a different picture if we treat cultural content and logic of boundary construction – two parameters conflated in the ethnic-civic framework – as two distinct analytical levels. The framework I propose focuses on an individual and collective dimension of logic of boundary construction that together constitute the inclusionary/exclusionary core of national identity. The framework is tested on the political debate on immigrant integration in Denmark and Norway in selected years. Indeed, the framework enables us to move beyond the widespread idea that Danish politicians subscribe to an ethnic conception of the nation, while Norwegian political thought is somewhere in between an ethnic and civic conception. The true difference is that Danish politicians, unlike their Norwegian counterparts, do not acknowledge the collective self-understanding as an object of political action.



Dinesen, Peter Thisted, Malte Dahl, and Mikkel Schiøler. ‘When Are Legislators Responsive to Ethnic Minorities? Testing the Role of Electoral Incentives and Candidate Selection for Mitigating Ethnocentric Responsiveness’. (2021) [PDF]

Dinesen, Peter Thisted, Malte Dahl, and Mikkel Schiøler. ‘When Are Legislators Responsive to Ethnic Minorities? Testing the Role of Electoral Incentives and Candidate Selection for Mitigating Ethnocentric Responsiveness’. American Political Science Review, Cambridge University Press, 2021.

Previous studies have documented ethnic/racial bias in politicians’ constituency service, but less is known about the circumstances under which such ethnocentric responsiveness is curbed. We propose and test two hypotheses in this regard: the electoral incentives hypothesis, predicting that incentives for (re)election crowd out politicians’ potential biases, and the candidate selection hypothesis, stipulating that minority constituents can identify responsive legislators by using candidates’ partisan affiliation and stated policy preferences as heuristics. We test these hypotheses through a field experiment on the responsiveness of incumbent local politicians in Denmark (N = 2,395), varying ethnicity, gender, and intention to vote for the candidate in the upcoming election, merged with data on their electoral performance and their stated policy preferences from a voting advice application. We observe marked ethnocentric responsiveness and find no indication that electoral incentives mitigate this behavior. However, minority voters can use parties’ and individual candidates’ stances on immigration to identify responsive politicians.



Coming of Age in Exile: Health and Socio-Economic Inequalities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies. (2020) [PDF]

Coming of Age in Exile: Health and Socio-Economic Inequalities in Young Refugees in the Nordic Welfare Societies. NordForsk, 2020,

Coming of Age in Exile (CAGE) has been a multidisciplinary research project, funded by the Nordic Research Council (NordForsk) during 2015-2020, for more information see CAGE has been led by the Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health (MESU) at the Department of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen and carried out in collaboration with researchers at the Migration Institute of Finland, Turku; the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS), Oslo; the University of South-Eastern Norway, University of Bergen, University of Gothenburg, and the Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet. 

During the last fifty years, the number of people moving to the Nordic countries has increased. From the 1970s onwards, a large part of non-Nordic immigration has consisted of refugees and their families. Children below 18 years of age comprise a sizable proportion of refugee immigrants, i.e. 25-35% of the refugees in the Nordic countries, and about twice as many when children born in exile are also included. In welfare typologies, the Nordic countries are often considered as similar in terms of their welfare state policies, but there are also important differences between countries in terms of immigration policy and economic context. The Migration Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), a comparative policy analysis tool used by the European Union, has shown that during the period in which the CAGE study was conducted, Denmark ranked far behind the other Nordic countries, with more restrictive integration policies related to financial support, family reunification, and possibilities for naturalisation. Key economic factors also differ considerably between countries, with Sweden and Finland having had higher rates of youth unemployment during recent decades. The Nordic countries, with their excellent national registers, provide a unique arena for comparative studies of refugee children and youth in order to obtain an understanding of contextual factors in the reception countries for the integration of young refugees. 

The aim of the CAGE project has been to investigate inequalities in education, labour market participation, and health during the formative years in young refugees, and how they relate to national policies and other contextual factors. CAGE has used a mixed methods strategy built around a core of cross-country comparative quantitative register studies in national cohorts of refugees who were granted residency as children (0-17 years) during 1986-2005 in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, with follow-up until 2015. These quantitative register studies have been complimented with policy analyses and qualitative studies of key mechanisms involved in the development of these inequalities.


Borevi, Karin, Kristian Kriegbaum Jensen, and Per Mouritsen. ‘The Civic Turn of Immigrant Integration Policies in the Scandinavian Welfare States’. (2017) [PDF]

Borevi, Karin, Kristian Kriegbaum Jensen, and Per Mouritsen. ‘The Civic Turn of Immigrant Integration Policies in the Scandinavian Welfare States’. Comparative Migration Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, Physica-Verlag, Dec. 2017.

This special issue addresses the question of how to understand the civic turn within immigrant integration in the West towards programs and instruments, public discourses and political intentions, which aim to condition, incentivize, and shape through socialization immigrants into ‘citizens’. Empirically, it focuses on the less studied Scandinavian cases of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. In this introduction, we situate the contributions to this special issue within the overall debate on civic integration and convergence. We introduce the three cases, critically discuss the (liberal) convergence thesis and its descriptive and explanatory claims, and explain why studying the Scandinavian welfare states can further our understanding of the nature of the civic turn and its driving forces. Before concluding, we discuss whether civic integration policies actually work.



Bech-Danielsen, Claus, and Gunvor Christensen. Boligområder i bevægelse: Fortællinger om fysiske og boligsociale indsatser i anledning af Landsbyggefondens 50 års jubilæum. (2017) [PDF]

Bech-Danielsen, Claus, and Gunvor Christensen. Boligområder i bevægelse: Fortællinger om fysiske og boligsociale indsatser i anledning af Landsbyggefondens 50 års jubilæum. Landsbyggefonden, 2017,

Landsbyggefonden fylder 50 år den 6. april 2017, og det har vi valgt at fejre med udgivelsen af denne bog, der sætter fokus på fondens aktiviteter indenfor renoveringer og boligsociale indsatser. Fonden varetager  også  mange  andre  opgaver.  Den har  til  opgave  at  administrere kommunernes grundkapitallån, opkræve bidrag på de udamortiserede lån,  sikre  de  elektroniske  indberetninger  af  sektorens  mange  regnskaber,  foretage  regnskabsanalyser,  udvikle  benchmarkværktøjer,  udarbejde  styringsrap-porter til styringsdialogerne i kommunerne, sikre løbende huslejeindberetninger, så staten hver måned kan beregne boligydelse og boligsikring, udarbejde statistikker og meget mere. Alt dette kan ses på Landsbyggefondens hjemmeside. Alle disse opgaver er uhyre vigtige, og når vi i denne bog har valgt at fokusere på  renoveringer  og  boligsocialt  arbejde,  så  er  det,  fordi  disse  aktiviteter  har  en  direkte betydning for de enkelte beboeres hverdag, for byernes udvikling og for velfærdssamfundets  funktion. Der er almene boliger – familieboliger, ældreboliger og ungdomsboliger – over hele landet,  og  Landsbyggefondens  støtte  til  renoveringer  er  også  fordelt  over  hele landet. Alt fra afhjælpning af skimmelproblemer i ældre boliger, omdannelse af store montagebyggerier fra tresserne og til at omdanne treetagers blokke til rækkehuse i yderkommuner, hvor affolkning har reduceret behovet for boliger. Landbyggefonden sikrer også boligsociale indsatser i udsatte områder som fx. lektiecafeer,  fritidsjob  til  de  unge  mennesker  m.v.  Det  drejer  sig  om  mange  hundrede aktiviteter i mere end hundrede boligområder. Når  man  skal  skrive  en  bog  om  et  så  stort  område,  så  er  man  nødt  til  at  prioritere og belyse generelle udviklingstræk med konkrete eksempler, som kan give  et  dækkende  billede.  Det  kræver  indsigt  og  overblik  over  emnet,  og  derfor  har Landsbyggefonden bedt to af de mest indsigtsfulde forskere på feltet om at skrive jubilæumsbogen for fonden, nemlig Gunvor Christensen, der er sociolog, og  Claus  Bech-Danielsen,  der  er  arkitekt  og  professor  ved  Statens  Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet.


Sigurbergsson, Gudbjartur Ingi, and Leon Derczynski. ‘Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection for Danish’. (2020) [PDF]

Sigurbergsson, Gudbjartur Ingi, and Leon Derczynski. ‘Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection for Danish’. Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association, 2020, pp. 3498–3508.

The presence of offensive language on social media platforms and the implications this poses is becoming a major concern in modern society. Given the enormous amount of content created every day, automatic methods are required to detect and deal with this type of content. Until now, most of the research has focused on solving the problem for the English language, while the problem is multilingual. We construct a Danish dataset DKhate containing user-generated comments from various social media platforms, and to our knowledge, the first of its kind, annotated for various types and target of offensive language. We develop four automatic classification systems, each designed to work for both the English and the Danish language. In the detection of offensive language in English, the best performing system achieves a macro averaged F1-score of 0.74, and the best performing system for Danish achieves a macro averaged F1-score of 0.70. In the detection of whether or not an offensive post is targeted, the best performing system for English achieves a macro averaged F1-score of 0.62, while the best performing system for Danish achieves a macro averaged F1-score of 0.73. Finally, in the detection of the target type in a targeted offensive post, the best performing system for English achieves a macro averaged F1-score of 0.56, and the best performing system for Danish achieves a macro averaged F1-score of 0.63. Our work for both the English and the Danish language captures the type and targets of offensive language, and present automatic methods for detecting different kinds of offensive language such as hate speech and cyberbullying.


Whitmire, Ethelene. ‘Landscapes of the African American Diaspora in Denmark’. (2019) [PDF]

Whitmire, Ethelene. ‘Landscapes of the African American Diaspora in Denmark’. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab Og Kulturformidling, vol. 8, no. 2, 2, Dec. 2019, pp. 84–91.

This imaginary exhibition is based on the archive of items collected to write the book manuscript for Searching for Utopia: African Americans in 20th Century Denmark. Professor Ethelene Whitmire used the method of curatorial dreaming to design this exhibition and was influenced by African American expatriate Walter Williams’s landscape paintings that reflect the themes in the book.



Wagner, Thorsten. ‘Jøder og andre danskere. Den nyere antisemitismeforskning og dens implikationer for dansk historieskrivning: en forskningsoversigt’. (2001) [PDF]

Wagner, Thorsten. ‘Jøder og andre danskere. Den nyere antisemitismeforskning og dens implikationer for dansk historieskrivning: en forskningsoversigt’. Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies, vol. 22, no. 2, 2, Sept. 2001, pp. 157–192.

Due to the national narrative of successful integration of Danish Jews and their heroic rescue from Nazi persecution, a critical investigation of the relationship between Jews and Non-Jews in 19th and 20th century Danish society has been neglected until recently. The article discusses recent developments in the field of antisemitism as well as a new appreciation of the cultural dimension of anti-Jewish stereotyping have been instrumental in a new understanding of anti-semitism. Together with a growing awareness of the interrelationship between the construction of the nation and the politics of exclusion, these trends have created new grounds for historical research. It is argued that this new generation of research also calls for a rewriting of Danish history “from the margins”: The liberal democratic political culture that informed the formation of the Danish nation state did not do without exclusionist practices-on the contrary, it implied a rejection of cultural or ethnic heterogeneity. Instead of exonerating Danish antisemitism by self-serving comparisons, a fresh view on Danish-Jewish relations in modern times promises new insights into the development of Danish national identity, oscillating between inclusion and exclusion.



Sparre, Sara Lei. ‘(U)synlighed og den muslimske anden: Narrativer om flugt og religiøs identitet blandt irakiske kristne i Danmark’. (2016) [PDF]

Sparre, Sara Lei. ‘(U)synlighed og den muslimske anden: Narrativer om flugt og religiøs identitet blandt irakiske kristne i Danmark’. Tidsskrift for Islamforskning, vol. 10, no. 1, 1, Nov. 2016, pp. 252–267.

Denne artikel belyser religiøs identitet og muslimske-kristne relationer blandt irakiske kristne i Danmark. I de irakiske kristnes narrativer om flugt og mødet med Danmark er der en konstant svingning mellem dels opnåelse af tryghed, lige rettigheder og religiøs frihed og dels minorisering pga. oplevelser af at blive gjort usynlige som kristne og synlige som muslimer. Jeg argumenterer for, at de irakiske kristne fortolker og navigerer i disse oplevelser af minorisering og (u)synlighed ved at genskrive deres narrativer om flugt og forfølgelse og således også forholdet til den muslimske anden

This article highlights religious identity and Muslim-Christian relations among Iraqi Christians in Denmark. In the narratives of Iraqi Christians about flight and the encounter with Denmark there is a constant swing between the attainment of security, equal rights and religious freedom on the one hand and the minoritization that results from experiences of being made invisible as Christians and visible as Muslims on the other hand. I argue that Iraqi Christians interpret and navigate these experiences of minoritization and (in)visibility by rewriting their narratives about flight and persecution, and thus also the relationship with the Muslim other.



Rydgren, Jens. ‘Explaining the Emergence of Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties: The Case of Denmark’. (2004) [PDF]

Rydgren, Jens. ‘Explaining the Emergence of Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties: The Case of Denmark’. West European Politics, vol. 27, no. 3, Routledge, May 2004, pp. 474–502.

This article aims to explain the emergence of the Danish People’s Party, a radical right-wing populist party, by using a model combining political opportunity structures and the diffusion of new master frames. The article shows that because of dealignment and realignment processes – as well as the politicisation of the immigration issue – niches were created on the electoral arena. The Danish People’s Party was able to mine these niches by adopting a master frame combining ethno-pluralist xenophobia and anti-political establishment populism, which had proved itself successful elsewhere in Western Europe (originally in France in the mid-1980s). In this process of adaptation, a far right circle of intellectuals, the Danish Association, played a key role as mediator. 




Rasmussen, Kim Su, and Eli Park Sorensen. ‘Minor Subjects/Minor Literature: Maja Lee Langvads Find Holger Danske and the Search for Danishness’. (2011) [PDF]

Rasmussen, Kim Su, and Eli Park Sorensen. ‘Minor Subjects/Minor Literature: Maja Lee Langvads Find Holger Danske and the Search for Danishness’. 비교문학 Journal of Korean Adoption Studies, vol. 54, 한국비교문학회, 2011, pp. 225–249.