Einhorn, Eric, Sherrill Harbison & Markus Huss. Migration and Multiculturalism in Scandinavia. (2022)

Einhorn, Eric, Sherrill Harbison & Markus Huss. Migration and Multiculturalism in Scandinavia. University of Wisconsin Press, 2022.

Scandinavian societies have historically, and problematically, been understood as homogeneous, when in fact they have a long history of ethnic and cultural pluralism due to colonialism and territorial conquest. After World War II, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway all became destinations for an increasingly diverse stream of migrants and asylum seekers from war-torn countries around the globe, culminating in the 2015–16 “refugee crisis.” This multidisciplinary volume opens with an overview of how the three countries’ current immigration policies developed and evolved, then expands to address how we might understand the current contexts and the social realities of immigration and diversity on the ground.  Drawing from personal experiences and theoretical perspectives in such varied fields as sociology, political science, literature, and media studies, nineteen scholars assess recent shifts in Scandinavian societies and how they intertwine with broader transformations in Europe and beyond. Chapters explore a variety of topics, including themes of belonging and identity in Norway, the experiences and activism of the Nordic countries’ Indigenous populations, and parallels between the racist far-right resurgence in Sweden and the United States.  Contributors: Ellen A. Ahlness, Julie K. Allen, Grete Brochmann, Eric Einhorn, Sherrill Harbison, Anne Heith, Markus Huss, Peter Leonard, Barbara Mattsson, Kelly McKowen, Andreas Önnerfors, Elisabeth Oxfeldt, Tony Sandset, Carly Elizabeth Schall, Ryan Thomas Skinner, Admir Skodo, Benjamin R. Teitelbaum, Sayaka Osanami Törngren, Ethelene Whitmire


Groglopo, Adrián & Julia Suárez-Krabbe (Eds.), Coloniality and Decolonisation in the Nordic Region. (2023) [PDF]

A. Groglopo & J. Suárez-Krabbe (Eds.), Coloniality and Decolonisation in the Nordic Region. 2023. Taylor & Francis.

This book advances critical discussions about what coloniality, decoloniality, and decolonisation mean and imply in the Nordic region. It brings together analysis of complex realities from the perspectives of the Nordic peoples, a region that is often overlooked in current research, and explores the processes of decolonisation that are taking place in this region. The book offers a variety of perspectives that engage with issues such as Islamic feminism and the progressive left; racialisation and agency among Muslim youths; indigenising distance language education for Sami; extractivism and resistance among the Sami; the Nordic international development endeavour through education; Swedish TV reporting on Venezuela; creolizing subjectivities across Roma and non-Roma worlds and hierarchies; and the whitewashing and sanitisation of decoloniality in the Nordic region. As such, this book extends much of the productive dialogue that has recently occurred internationally in decolonial thinking but also in the areas of critical race theory, whiteness studies, and postcolonial studies to concrete and critical problems in the Nordic region. This should make the book of considerable interest to scholars of history of ideas, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, international development studies, legal sociology, and (intercultural) philosophy with an interest in coloniality and decolonial social change.

Table of contents

Coloniality and Decolonization in the Nordic Region: An Introduction

Adrián Groglopo and Julia Suárez-Krabbe

Chapter 1.

Surviving like Scheherazade. Veiled Women and Liberalism: the Trap of the Progressive Left

Houria Bouteldja.

Chapter 2. Racialisation in a “Raceless” Nation: Muslims Navigating Islamophobia in Denmark’s Everyday Life

Amani Hassani

Chapter 3. Enriching Sami language distance education

Hanna Helander, Satu-Marjut Pieski, and Pigga Keskitalo

Chapter 4. The Virtue of Extraction and Decolonial Recollection in Gállok, Sápmi

Georgia de Leeuw

Chapter 5. Coloniality of Knowledge and the Responsibility to Teach: Nordic Educational Interventions in the “South”

Jelena Vićentić

Chapter 6. Swedish Television Reporting on Venezuela as Damnation

Juan Velázquez Atehortúa

Chapter 7. Creolizing Subjectivities and Relationalities within Roma-gadje Research Collaborations

Ioana Țîștea and Gabriela Băncuță

Chapter 8. Decoloniality: Between a Travelling Concept and a Relational Onto-Epistemic Political Stance

Madina Tlostanova

DOI: https://www.routledge.com/Coloniality-and-Decolonisation-in-the-Nordic-Region/Groglopo-Suarez-Krabbe/p/book/9781032274867?gclid=Cj0KCQiAgqGrBhDtARIsAM5s0_nUuuv6JLXuU1udbn_3Ri4vIdHV8dPSh0a5jeARmBEk-s-Rp6wYy0UaAmTiEALw_wcB

PDF: https://books.google.dk/books?id=anCpEAAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&hl=da&pg=PT55#v=onepage&q&f=false

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L. & Mia Liinason. Transforming Identities in Contemporary Europe: Critical Essays on Knowledge, Inequality and Belonging. (2023). [PDF]

Engebretsen, Elisabeth L. & Mia Liinason. Transforming Identities in Contemporary Europe: Critical Essays on Knowledge, Inequality and Belonging (1st ed.). 2023. Routledge.

Interdisciplinary in perspective, this book explores contemporary struggles around ‘identity politics’ in Europe, offering a unique glimpse into contemporary tensions and paradoxes surrounding identities, belonging, exclusions and their deep-seated gendered, colonial and racist legacies. With a particular focus on the Nordic region, it provides insights into the ways in which people who find themselves in minoritized positions struggle against multiple injustices. Through a series of case studies documenting counter-struggles against racist, colonialist, sexist forms of discrimination and exclusion, Transforming Identities in Contemporary Europe asks how the paradigm and politics of the welfare state operate to discriminate against the most marginalized, by instating a naturalized hierarchy of human-ness. As such it will appeal to scholars across the social sciences and humanities with interests in race, gender, colonialism and postcolonialism, citizenship and belonging. 


Introduction Transforming identities in contemporary Europe By Elisabeth L. Engebretsen, Mia Liinason 

“Welcome to the most privileged, most xenophobic country in the world”. Affective figurations of white Danishness in the making of a Danish citizen By Linda Lapiņa 

Educational challenges for Nordic exceptionalism Epistemic injustice in the absence of antiracist education By Kris Clarke, Manté Vertelyté 

Autobiographical flesh Understanding Western notions of humanity through the life and selected writings of Una Marson (1905–1965) By Jéssica Nogueira Varela 

‘It’s our bodies, we are the experts!’ Countering pathologisation, gate-keeping and Danish exceptionalism through collective trans knowledges, coalition-building and insistence By Nico Miskow Friborg 

Gayness between nation builders and money makers From ideology to new essentialism By Anna-Maria Sörberg 

(Not) in the name of gender equality Migrant women, empowerment, employment, and minority women’s organizations By Christel Stormhøj 

‘Home is where the cat is’ The here-there of queer (un)belonging By Ramona Dima, Simona Dumitriu 

The poetics of climate change and politics of pain Sámi social media activist critique of the Swedish state By Akvilė Buitvydaitė, Elisabeth L. Engebretsen 

Varieties of exceptionalism A conversation By Selin Çağatay, Mia Liinason, Olga Sasunkevich

PDF: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003245155

Rud, Søren, and Søren Ivarsson, eds., Globale og postkoloniale perspektiver på dansk kolonihistorie. (2021)

Rud, Søren, and Søren Ivarsson, eds., Globale og postkoloniale perspektiver på dansk kolonihistorie (Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2021)

Danmarks fortid som kolonimagt og slavenation er mere aktuel end nogensinde. Det globale opgør med racisme og kontroversielle symboler fra kolonihistorien har bredt sig til Danmark, hvor politiske aktivister malede ”DECOLONIZE” på statuer af grønlandsmissionæren Hans Egede både i Nuuk og København, og kunstgruppen Anonyme Billedkunstnere smed ”slavekongen” Frederik V’s buste i Københavns havn.  Mens aktivisterne og mange indbyggere i tidligere danske kolonier anser Danmarks fortid som arnestedet for nutidens racediskrimination opfatter andre postyret som en selvpinerisk og proportionsløs dyrkelse af Danmarks fortidssynder. Ikke mindst derfor er det vigtigt, at forskere forholder sig kritisk til dansk kolonihistorie og kvalificerer fortidens rolle i aktuelle diskussioner om Danmarks kolonihistorie.  I Globale og postkoloniale perspektiver på dansk kolonihistorie præsenterer ni forskere udvalgte postkoloniale og globalhistoriske strømninger. Hver især tager de udgangspunkt i konkrete eksempler fra enten Dansk Vestindien, Grønland, Indien, Island, København, Sápmi eller Siam. Bogen åbner nye perspektiver på Danmarks fortidige engagement i verden, som trænger sig på i aktuelle debatter om eksempelvis identitetspolitik, rigsfællesskab og racisme.


søren rud Introduktion Postkoloniale og globale perspektiver på dansk kolonihistorie 

niels brimnes Offer, subjekt, aktør Refleksioner over de koloniseredes position i nyere analyser af dansk kolonihistorie 

johan heinsen Stemme og flugt Tvangsgeografier i koloni og metropol 

kristoffer edelgaard christensen At sammenligne metropol og koloni Problematiseringen af ’despotisk magt’ i Danmark og Vestindien i 1700-tallets sidste årtier 

simon mølholm olesen Kolonial styring i Sydgrønlands Inspektorat, 1782-95 Institutioner, selvledelse og modstand 

kirsten thisted ’En lille Smule til Gavn for Grønland’ Intime relationer og følelser mellem Danmark og Grønland 

mathias danbolt Grænsen går her Metodisk nationalisme og omfordeling af ansvar i historieskrivningen om koloniseringen af Sápmi 

ann-sofie n. gremaud Festtid, krisetid og kolonitid Fortællinger om islandsk selvstændighed 

gunvor simonsen Racisme, slaveri og marked Afrikanere i 1700-tallets København 

søren ivarsson Gendarmer, dokumenter og papirstaten Danske officerer i semikoloniale Siam


McEachrane, Michael, editor. Afro-Nordic Landscapes: Equality and Race in Northern Europe. (2014)

McEachrane, Michael, editor. Afro-Nordic Landscapes: Equality and Race in Northern Europe. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Afro-Nordic Landscapes: Equality and Race in Northern Europe challenges a view of Nordic societies as homogenously white, and as human rights champions that are so progressive that even the concept of race is deemed irrelevant to their societies. The book places African Diasporas, race and legacies of imperialism squarely in a Nordic context. How has a nation as peripheral as Iceland been shaped by an identity of being white? How do Black Norwegians challenge racially conscribed views of Norwegian nationhood? What does the history of jazz in Denmark say about the relation between its national identity and race? What is it like to be a mixed-race black Swedish woman? How have African Diasporans in Finland navigated issues of race and belonging? And what does the widespread denial of everyday racism in Nordic societies mean to Afro-Nordics?  This text is a must read for anyone interested in issues of race in the Nordic region and Europe writ large. As Paul Gilroy writes in his foreword, it is a book that ‘should be studied with care and profit inside the Nordic countries and also outside them by the broader international readership that has been established around the study of racism and “critical race theory”.’ 


Foreword—Paul Gilroy.  A

Introduction —Michael McEachrane 

Part I: The Nation 

1. Imagining Blackness at the Margins: Race and Difference in Iceland —Kristín Loftsdóttir 

2. ‘Struggling to Be Recognized as Belonging to the Fauna of Norway’: On Being Black Norwegian Women—Madeleine Kennedy-Macfoy 

3. The Midnight Sun Never Sets: An Email Conversation About Jazz, Race and National Identity in Denmark, Norway and Sweden—Cecil Brown, Anne Dvinge, Petter Frost Fadnes, Johan Fornäs, Ole Izard Høyer, Marilyn Mazur, Michael McEachrane and John Tchicai 

Part II: Racism 

4. There’s a White Elephant in the Room: Equality and Race in (Northern) Europe—Michael McEachrane 

5. Racism Is No Joke: A Swedish Minister and a Hottentot Venus Cake—An Email Conversation—Beth Maina Ahlberg, Claudette Carr, Madubuko Diakité, Fatima El-Tayeb, Tobias Hübinette, Momodou Jallow, Victoria Kawesa, Michael McEachrane, Utz McKnight, Anders Neergaard, Shailja Patel, Kitimbwa Sabuni and Minna Salami 

6. Being and Becoming Mixed Race, Black, Swedish and a Nomadic Subject—Anna Adeniji 

7. Bertrand Besigye’s Civilization Critique: An Aesthetics of Blackness in Norway—Helena Karlsson 

8. Two Poems by Bertrand Besigye: (i) How A Black African Orders Black Coffee (To Barack Hussein Obama); (ii) You Can’t Keep A Good Man Down. Or Black Hail Over All of West Side (Translated by John Irons)—Bertrand Besigye 

Part III: Diaspora 

9. Talking Back: Voices from the African Diaspora in Finland—Anna Rastas 

10. Den Sorte: Nella Larsen and Denmark—Martyn Bone 

11. A Horn of Africa in Northern Europe—An Email Conversation—Abdalla Duh, Mohamed Husein Gaas, Abdalla Gasimelseed, Amel Gorani, Nauja Kleist, Anne Kubai, Michael McEachrane, Saifalyazal Omar, Tsegaye Tegenu and Marja Tiilikain.


Madsen, Lian Malai, Martha Sif Karrebæk, and Janus Spindler Møller, editors. ‘Everyday Languaging: Collaborative Research on the Language Use of Children and Youth’. (2016)

Madsen, Lian Malai, Martha Sif Karrebæk, and Janus Spindler Møller, editors. ‘Everyday Languaging: Collaborative Research on the Language Use of Children and Youth’. De Gruyter Mouton, 2016.

This book contributes to current theory building within applied linguistics and sociolinguistics by looking at the role of language in the lives, realities, and understandings of real children and youth in an urban setting. Collectively the studies amount to a comprehensive account of how urban children and youth construct, reactivate, negotiate, contest, and navigate between different linguistic and sociocultural norms and resources. 


Martha Sif Karrebæk, Lian Malai Madsen and Janus Spindler Møller Introduction—Everyday Languaging: Collaborative research on the language use of children and youth

Martha Sif Karrebæk: Arabs, Arabic and urban languaging: Polycentricity and incipient enregisterment among primary school children in Copenhagen

Liva Hyttel-Sørensen: Gangster talk on the phone – analyses of a mass media parody of a contemporary urban vernacular in Copenhagen and its reception

Andreas Stæhr: Normativity as a social resource in social media practices

Astrid Ag: Rights and wrongs – authority in family interactions

Ulla Lundqvist: Becoming a “smart student”: The emergence and unexpected implications of one child’s social identification

Lamies Nassr: “Well, because we are the One Direction girls” – Popular culture, friendship, and social status in a peer group 

Lian Malai Madsen: ‘The Diva in the room’ – Rap music, education and discourses on integration 

Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby: Ethnic identifications in late modern Copenhagen 

Janus Spindler Møller: Discursive reactions to nationalism among adolescents in Copenhagen

Asif Agha: Growing up bilingual in Copenhagen.


Høiris, Ole, Ole Marquardt, and Gitte Adler Reimer, editors. Grønlændernes syn på Danmark: historiske, kulturelle og sproglige perspektiver. (2019)

Høiris, Ole, Ole Marquardt, and Gitte Adler Reimer, editors. Grønlændernes syn på Danmark: historiske, kulturelle og sproglige perspektiver. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2019.

De første møder mellem skandinaver og grønlandske inuitter fandt sted i det sydvestlige Grønland omkring år 1300. Samtlige beretninger fra dengang og de næste par århundreder er nedskrevet af europæere og siger derfor ikke meget om, hvordan inuitterne oplevede de fremmede.  Først i 1721 oprettedes en varig forbindelse mellem Grønland og Danmark, da præsten Hans Egede ankom som Frederik 4.s udsending med det mål for øje at gøre grønlænderne kristne, ligesom handelsstationer på primært vestkysten blev etableret i perioden. Det er denne tid og de næste 300 år, som er i fokus i Grønlændernes syn på Danmark. Historiske, kulturelle og sproglige perspektiver. I bogen nærstuderer forskere fra Grønland og Danmark en række af de kilder, som giver adgang til grønlændernes noget blandede mening om danske missionærer, købmænd og embedsmænd i Grønland såvel som de meget forskellige indtryk, grønlændere tog med sig hjem fra rejser i Danmark og Europa.  Tilsammen afdækker disse skrifter, myter og kunstværker det komplekse forhold, grønlændere ofte har til Danmark og danskere. Både historisk og i dag, hvor kærligheden til det danske kongehus synes urokkelig, mens det danske sprog virker som en trussel mod det grønlandske og samtidig som en åbning mod arbejde, uddannelse og fortsat kontakt med grønlandske venner og familie bosat i Danmark.


Birgitte Sonne: Kvinden, der blev gift med en hund: qallunaats (europæernes) grønlandske ophav.

Flemming A.J. Nielsen: Det dansk-grønlandske kulturmøde fra middelalderen til Hans Egede.

Robert Petersen: Kolonialisme set fra en tidligere koloniserets side.

Søren Rud: Peter Gundels stemme. Kirsten Thisted: Skyld, skam og soning : affektive relationer i Udstedsbestyrerens datter, et hovedværk i grønlandsk litteratur.

Jens Lei Wendel-Hansen: ‘De ultraradikale’ – Augo Lynges og ligesindedes syn på det danske. Søren Thuesen: Grønlænderne og det danske kongehus – magt, ceremonier og følelser.

Ole Marquardt: Danskere og grønlændere i kolonihandelen – kommercielle hverdagssituationer med konfliktpotentiale i perioden 1774 til 1900.

Ole Høiris: Inuitters beretninger om optræden i Danmark, Europa og USA. Den næsten altid nærværende danskhed

Bo Wagner Sørensen og Søren Forchhammer. Pelle Tejsner: Tilværelsens ukrænkelige lethed – et studie i forskelle på verdensanskuelse blandt grønlændere og danskere.

Louise Hollerup: Kikkut Qallunaajuppat? – hvem er danskerne? : om blikretninger mellem Danmark og Grønland og filmen Kikkut Qallunaajuppat?

Rosannguaq Rossen: Grønlændernes globalisering gennem den danske mode – den grønlandske dispora i Danmark.

 Ulrik Pram Gad: Grønlandsk identitet og udvikling – danske trusler og muligheder : sprogdebatten under hjemme- og selvstyre.

Steven Arnfjord: Grønlændernes deltagelse i socialforskningen i Grønland


Krogh, Mads, and Henrik Marstal, editors. Populærmusikkultur i Danmark siden 2000. (2016)

Krogh, Mads, and Henrik Marstal, editors. Populærmusikkultur i Danmark siden 2000. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2016.

Denne bog handler om populærmusikkultur i Danmark siden 2000. Om den myriade af genrer, stilarter, moder og konkrete musikudgivelser, -optrædener og -oplevelser, som udgør populærmusikkens vidtstrakte og brogede felt. Om de fans, artister, pladeselskaber, festivaler, koncertbegivenheder, sportskampe, uddannelsesinstitutioner, musikpolitiske og mediemæssige tiltag med meget mere, som tegner populærmusikkens kultur. Og om de ændrede betingelser for musikfrembringelse og -forbrug bragt til veje af globalisering og den digitale musikrevolution. 

Bogen fokuserer på en række aspekter af periodens rap, pop, rock, metal, verdensmusik og electronica – ikke blot på kunstnerne og deres tekster, produktioner, udgivelser og optrædener, men også på alt det, der udspiller sig rundt om kunstnerne, dvs. fankulturerne, pladeselskaberne, festivalerne, koncertbegivenhederne, talentudviklingen med mere. Bogens tilgang til emnet er interdisciplinær, og bidragyderne kommer fra så forskellige fag og forskningsfelter som musikvidenskab, antropologi, pædagogisk filosofi samt køns-, litteratur-, design- og kommunikationsforskning. 


Tore Tvarnø Lind: “Ikke noget copy/paste-lort her” : nostalgi og intensitet i metalscenen.

Annemette Kirkegaard: Verden i Danmark : om det fremmede i musikkulturen efter 2000.

Mads Krogh: Aarhus V som hiphopbrand : heterogene forbindelser af musik, genre og miljø.

Kristine Ringsager: “Danmark som vi kender det” : forhandlinger af medborgerskab og andethed i rap og hiphopmusik.

Henrik Marstal: Sproglige sammenvævninger : dansk og engelsk som overlappende sangsprog.

Marianne Kongerslev: Musikalsk homonationalisme? : queer narrativer i dansk populærmusik efter 2000.

Lars Geer Hammershøj: Melankoli kørt ind med humor : dansk populærmusik som selvdannelse.

Else Skjold: Hvor mon den er, den røde tråd? : om musik og stil i mænds garderober. Fodboldkampens musik : om forekomsten af musik i forbindelse med en superligakamp /

Rasmus Grøn & Nicolai Jørgensgaard Graakjær. Jagten på de skjulte talenter : rytmisk musik mellem organiseret talentpleje, talentshows og selvorganisering

Charlotte Rørdam Larsen & Anja Mølle Lindelof. Kimberley Cannady: Om artikulationen af danskhed i musikeksportinitiativer siden 2000.

Rasmus Rex Pedersen: Den digitale (r)evolution : institutionelle forandringer i den danske musikbranche

PDF af introduktion og udvidet indholdsfortegnelse: http://www.universitypress.dk/images/pdf/2954.pdf.


Weiss, Holger, editor. ‘Ports of Globalisation, Places of Creolisation: Nordic Possessions in the Atlantic World during the Era of the Slave Trade’. (2021)

Weiss, Holger, editor. ‘Ports of Globalisation, Places of Creolisation: Nordic Possessions in the Atlantic World during the Era of the Slave Trade’. Ports of Globalisation, Places of Creolisation, Brill, 2021

This anthology addresses and analyses the transformation of interconnected spaces and spatial entanglements in the Atlantic rim during the era of the slave trade by focusing on the Danish possessions on the Gold Coast and their Caribbean islands of Saint Thomas, Saint Jan and Saint Croix as well as on the Swedish Caribbean island of Saint Barthelemy. The first part of the anthology addresses aspects of interconnectedness in West Africa, in particular the relationship between Africans and Danes on the Gold Coast. The second part of this volume examines various aspects of interconnectedness, creolisation and experiences of Danish and Swedish slave rules in the Caribbean.


Naum, Magdalena, and Jonas Nordin, editors. Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Arena. (2013)

Naum, Magdalena, and Jonas Nordin, editors. Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Arena. Vol. 37, 2013.

In Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Arena, archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians present case studies that focus on the scope and impact of Scandinavian colonial expansion in the North, Africa, Asia and America as well as within Scandinavia itself. They discuss early modern thinking and theories made valid and developed in early modern Scandinavia that justified and propagated participation in colonial expansion. The volume demonstrates a broad and comprehensive spectrum of archaeological, anthropological and historical research, which engages with a variation of themes relevant for the understanding of Danish and Swedish colonial history from the early 17th century until today. The aim is to add to the on-going global debates on the context of the rise of the modern society and to revitalize the field of early modern studies in Scandinavia, where methodological nationalism still determines many archaeological and historical studies. Through their theoretical commitment, critical outlook and application of postcolonial theories the contributors to this book shed a new light on the processes of establishing and maintaining colonial rule, hybridization and creolization in the sphere of material culture, politics of resistance, and responses to the colonial claims. This volume is a fantastic resource for graduate students and researchers in historical archaeology, Scandinavia, early modern history and anthropology of colonialism.


Keskinen, Suvi, Salla Tuori, Sara Irni, and Diana Mulinari, editors. Complying With Colonialism: Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Nordic Region. (2009)

Keskinen, Suvi, Salla Tuori, Sara Irni, and Diana Mulinari, editors. Complying With Colonialism: Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Nordic Region. 1st edition, Farnham, England ; Burlington, VT: Routledge, 2009

Complying with Colonialism presents a complex analysis of the habitual weak regard attributed to the colonial ties of Nordic Countries. It introduces the concept of ’colonial complicity’ to explain the diversity through which northern European countries continue to take part in (post)colonial processes. The volume combines a new perspective on the analysis of Europe and colonialism, whilst offering new insights for feminist and postcolonial studies by examining how gender equality is linked to ’European values’, thus often European superiority. With an international team of experts ranging from various disciplinary backgrounds, this volume will appeal not only to academics and scholars within postcolonial sociology, social theory, cultural studies, ethnicity, gender and feminist thought, but also cultural geographers, and those working in the fields of welfare, politics and International Relations. Policy makers and governmental researchers will also find this to be an invaluable source. 

CHAPTER 1 Introduction: Postcolonialism and the Nordic Models of Welfare and Gender Diana Mulinari, Sari Irni, Suvi Keskinen and Salla Tuori

PART I: Postcolonial Histories/Postcolonial Presents

CHAPTER 2 Colonial Complicity: The ‘Postcolonial’ in a Nordic Context Ulla Vuorela

CHAPTER 3 The Nordic Colonial Mind Mai Palmberg

CHAPTER 4 The Flipside of My Passport: Myths of Origin and Genealogy of White Supremacy in the Mediated Social Genetic Imaginary Bolette Blaagaard

CHAPTER 5 The Promise of the ‘Nordic’ and Its Reality in the South: The Experiences of Mexican Workers as Members of the ‘Volvo Family’ Diana Mulinari and Nora Räthzel

CHAPTER 6 Stranger or Family Member? Reproducing Postcolonial Power Relations Johanna Latvala

CHAPTER 7 Historical Legacies and Neo-colonial Forms of Power? A Postcolonial Reading of the Bosnian Diaspora Laura Huttunen 

PART II: Welfare State and Its ‘Others’

CHAPTER 8 When Racism Becomes Individualised: Experiences of Racialisation among Adult Adoptees and Adoptive Parents of Sweden Tobias Hübinette and Carina Tigervall

CHAPTER 9 Contradicting the ‘Prostitution Stigma’: Narratives of Russian Migrant Women Living in Norway Jana Sverdljuk

CHAPTER 10 Postcolonial and Queer Readings of ‘Migrant Families’ in the Context of Multicultural Work Salla Tuori

CHAPTER 11 “Experience is a National Asset”: A Postcolonial Reading of Ageing in the Labour Market Sari Irni

CHAPTER 12 Licorice Boys and Female Coffee Beans: Representations of Colonial Complicity in Finnish Visual Culture Leena-Maija Rossi

PART III: Doing Nation and Gender: The Civilising Mission “at Home”

CHAPTER 13 Guiding Migrants to the Realm of Gender Equality Jaana Vuori

CHAPTER 14 Institutional Nationalism and Orientalised Others in Parental Education Nanna Brink Larsen CHAPTER 15 Whose Feminism? Whose Emancipation? Chialing Yang

CHAPTER 16 “Honour”-Related Violence and Nordic Nation-Building  Suvi Keskinen.


Høiris, Ole, and Ole Marquardt, editors. Fra vild til verdensborger : grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden til nutidens globalitet. (2011)

Høiris, Ole, and Ole Marquardt, editors. Fra vild til verdensborger : grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden til nutidens globalitet. Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2011.

I Fra vild til verdensborger belyser en række grønlandske og danske forskere aspekter af grønlandsk identitet fra kolonitiden frem til i dag. Den oprindelige inuitbefolknings selvopfattelse må dog forblive et mysterium, da den opløstes i slutningen af det 16. århundrede ved mødet med europæerne i deres søgen efter Nordvestpassagen. Siden da og langt op i det 20. århundrede var grønlændernes egen identitetsopfattelse så domineret af de danske koloniherrers, at flere af dem accepterede kolonimagtens kategorisering som deres egen. I den europæiske opfattelse blev inuitter oprindeligt opfattet som vilde, senere som naturfolk og senere som primitive.

Men med 60’ernes bevidstgørelse af mange såkaldte fjerdeverdensfolk voksede også en ny grønlandsk selvbevidsthed frem. Den nye grønlandske selvbevidsthed gjorde op med den eksterne definition af grønlandsk identitet og førte i 1979 til Hjemmestyret, der i 2009 blev afløst af Selvstyret. I perioden frem til Selvstyret og i tiden efter har grønlænderne i stigende grad udviklet grønlandskhed som en lokal variant af den globaliserede mainstream-identitet, der præger verden efter it-revolutionen.


Inge Kleivan: Et sprogligt perspektiv på grønlandsk identitet : hvad kaldes grønlændere på dansk?

Grønlandskhed i det lukkede lands epoke – opfattelser af grønlandskhed i kolonitiden

Ole Høiris: Eskimoen som idéhistorisk figur.

Flemming A.J. Nielsen: Den ældste grønlandske bibel – et sprogligt og kulturelt møde.

Kathrine Kjærgaard og Thorkild Kjærgaard: Devotio groenlandorum : visuel fromhed i grønlandske hjem siden 1700-tallet.

Ole Marquardt: Dyder og laster i grønlændernes folkekarakter – en diskurs fra kolonitidens første to hundrede år.

Inge Høst Seiding og Peter A. Toft. Koloniale identiteter : ægteskaber, fællesskaber og forbrug i Diskobugten i første halvdel af det 19. århundrede /

Karen Langgård: Grønlandsk etnisk-national identitet i slutningen af 1800-tallet og begyndelsen af 1900-tallet.

Gitte Tróndheim: Navn og navngivning – en grønlandsk identitetsmarkør.

Aviâja Rosing Jakobsen: Kalaallisuut – den grønlandske nationaldragt – som grønlandsk identitetsmarkør.

Natuk Lund Olsen: “Uden grønlandsk mad er jeg intet”

Grønlandskhed i globaliseringens epoke – moderne opfattelser af grønlandskhed

Evy Frantzsen: Deportasjon og identiteter.

Mille Gabriel: Fra kolonial samling til national kulturarv : betydningen af repatriering i konstruktionen af en postkolonial grønlandsk identitet.

Jørgen Trondhjem: Kunst, identitet og det grønlandske.

Jette Rygaard: Qanorooq? : identitet i mediealderen.

Bo Wagner Sørensen og Søren Forchhammer: Byen og grønlænderen

Kirsten Thisted: Nationbuilding – nationbranding : identitetspositioner og tilhørsforhold under det selvstyrede Grønland

PDF af introduktion: http://samples.pubhub.dk/9788771244922.pdf


Jessen, Anne, editor. Stuerent? Dansk Folkeparti, populisme, antimuslimsk retorik og offermytologi. (2009)

Jessen, Anne, editor. Stuerent? Dansk Folkeparti, populisme, antimuslimsk retorik og offermytologi. Translated by Rikke m. fl. Andreassen, 1. udgave, 1. oplag, Kbh.: Frydenlund, 2009.

En række samfundsdebattører og kulturfolk diskuterer partiet, brandet og konceptet Dansk Folkeparti og dets politikere.


Keskinen, Suvi, Mari Toivanen, and Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir. Undoing homogeneity in the Nordic region: migration, difference and the politics of solidarity. (2019) [PDF]

Keskinen, Suvi, Mari Toivanen, and Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir. Undoing homogeneity in the Nordic region: migration, difference and the politics of solidarity. 2019.

This book critically engages with dominant ideas of cultural homogeneity in the Nordic countries and contests the notion of homogeneity as a crucial determinant of social cohesion and societal security. Showing how national identities in the Nordic region have developed historically around notions of cultural and racial homogeneity, it exposes the varied histories of migration and the longstanding presence of ethnic minorities and indigenous people in the region that are ignored in dominant narratives. With attention to the implications of notions of homogeneity for the everyday lives of migrants and racialised minorities in the region, as well as the increasing securitisation of those perceived not to be part of the homogenous nation, this volume provides detailed analyses of how welfare state policies, media, and authorities seek to manage and govern cultural, religious, and racial differences. With studies of national minorities, indigenous people and migrants in the analysis of homogeneity and difference, it sheds light on the agency of minorities and the intertwining of securitisation policies with notions of culture, race, and religion in the government of difference. As such it will appeal to scholars and students in social sciences and humanities with interests in race and ethnicity, migration, postcolonialism, Nordic studies, multiculturalism, citizenship, and belonging.

Table of contents: 1. Narrations of Homogeneity, Waning Welfare States, and the Politics of Solidarity   Part 1: Histories of Homogeneity and Difference  2. Forgetting Diversity? Norwegian Narratives of Ethnic and Cultural Homogeneity  3. Myths of Ethnic Homogeneity: The Danish Case  4. Finnish Media Representations of the Sámi in the 1960s and 1970s  Part 2: Governing and Negotiating Differences  5. Knowledge about Roma and Travellers in Nordic Schools: Paradoxes, Constraints, and Possibilities  6. Problematising the Urban Periphery: Discourses on Social Exclusion and Suburban Youth in Sweden  7. Welfare Chauvinism at the Margins of Whiteness: Young Unemployed Russian-Speakers’ Negotiations of Worker-Citizenship in Finland  8. Starry Starry Night: Fantasies of Homogeneity in Documentary Films about Kvens and Norwegian-Pakistanis  Part 3: Questioned Homogeneity and Securitisation   9. From Welfare to Warfare: Exploring the Militarisation of the Swedish Suburb  10. “Living in fear”—Bulgarian and Romanian Street Workers’ Experiences With Aggressive Public and Private Policing  11. A ‘Muslim’ Response to the Narrative of the Enemy Within  12. Being Unknown: The Securitisation of Asylum Seekers in Iceland


PDF: https://helda.helsinki.fi//bitstream/handle/10138/316709/Undoing_Homogeneity_in_the_Nordic_Region.pdf?sequence=1.

Kroløkke, Charlotte, Lene Myong, Stine W. Adrian, and Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, editors. Critical Kinship Studies. (2016)

Kroløkke, Charlotte, Lene Myong, Stine W. Adrian, and Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, editors. Critical Kinship Studies. London ; New York: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2016.

In recent decades the concept of kinship has been challenged and reinvigorated by the so-called “repatriation of anthropology” and by the influence of feminist studies, queer studies, adoption studies, and science and technology studies. These interdisciplinary approaches have been further developed by increases in infertility, reproductive travel, and the emergence of critical movements among transnational adoptees, all of which have served to question how kinship is now practiced.  Critical Kinship Studies brings together theoretical and disciplinary perspectives and analytically sensitive perspectives aiming to explore the manifold versions of kinship and the ways in which kinship norms are enforced or challenged.


Liversage, Anika, and Mikkel Rytter, editors. ægteskab og migration: Konsekvenser af de danske familiesammenføringsregler 2002-2012. (2014) [PDF]

Liversage, Anika, and Mikkel Rytter, editors. Aegteskab og migration: Konsekvenser af de danske familiesammenforingsregler 2002-2012. ISD LLC, 2014.

Siden 2002 har Danmark været foregangsland i Europa, nar det gAelder stramme regler for AegtefAellesammenforing. Denne lovgivning har pavirket tusindvis af danske borgeres partnervalg og har fort til ændrede ægteskabs- og indvandringsmønstre. Lovgivningen, der blev indfort for at dæmme op for tvangsægteskaber og indvandring i forbindelse med ægteskab generelt, har haft vidtrækkende konsekvenser for mange. Danske borgere med savel minoritets- som majoritetsbaggrund er blevet tvunget ud i en vanskelig ventesituation, hvor de ikke har kunnet leve sammen, og mange har valgt at forlade landet og flytte mere eller mindre permanent til Sverige med deres ægtefælle ægteskab og migration. Konsekvenser af de danske familiesammenforingsregler 2002-2012 gor status over 10 ar med denne lovgivning og belyser nogle af familiesammenforingsreglernes mangeartede konsekvenser. Bogens kapitler er skrevet af en række danske og udenlandske forskere fra sociologi, okonomi, politologi og antropologi, der gennem aktuelle studier stiller skarpt pa Aegteskab, familiedannelse, migration og statslig regulering.

Uddrag af bog: https://books.google.dk/books?id=1ZufDwAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&ots=R_hYW6xVTx&lr&pg=PT3#v=onepage&q&f=false.

Loftsdóttir, Kristín, and Lars Jensen, editors. Whiteness and Postcolonialism in the Nordic Region: Exceptionalism, Migrant Others and National Identities. (2012)

Loftsdóttir, Kristín, and Lars Jensen, editors. Whiteness and Postcolonialism in the Nordic Region: Exceptionalism, Migrant Others and National Identities. 1st edition, F arnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT: Routledge, 2012. This book examines the influence of imperialism and colonialism on the formation of national identities in the Nordic countries, exploring the manner in which contemporary discourses in Nordic society are rendered meaningful or obscured by references to past events and tropes related to the practices and ideologies of colonialism. Against the background of Nordic ‘exceptionalism’, it explores the manner in which the interwoven racial, gendered and nationalistic ideologies associated with the colonial project form part of contemporary Nordic identities. An important challenge to national identities that can become increasingly inward looking, Whiteness and Postcolonialism in the Nordic Region sheds light on the ways in which certain notions and structural inequalities, understood as residue from the colonial period, become recreated or projected onto different groups. Presenting a variety of case studies drawn from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Greenland, Denmark and Iceland, this book will be of interest to scholars across the social sciences and humanities conducting research in the fields of race and ethnicity, identity and belonging, media representations of ‘the other’ and colonialism and postcolonialism.

Contents: Introduction: Nordic exceptionalism and Nordic ’others’, Kristi­n Loftsdottir and Lars Jensen; Colonial discourse and ambivalence: Norwegian participants on the colonial arena in South Africa, Erlend Eidsvik; Colonialism, racism and exceptionalism, Christina Petterson; ’Words that wound’: Swedish Whiteness and its inability to accommodate minority experiences, Tobias Hubinette; Belonging and the Icelandic others: situating Icelandic identity in a postcolobial context, KristÃin Loftsdottir; Transnational influences, gender equality and violence in Muslim families, Suvi Keskinen; Reading history through Finnish exceptionalism, Anna Rastas; Danishness as Whiteness in crisis: emerging post-imperial and development aid anxieties, Lars Jensen; Bodies and boundaries, Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen and Serena Maurer; Intimacy with the Danish nation-state: my partner, the Danish state and I – a case study of family reunification policy in Denmark, Linda Lund Pedersen; Aesthetics and ethnicity: the role of boundaries in contemporary Sami and Tornedalian art, Anne Heith; Index.


Lohmann, Jens, Klaus Slavensky, and Rune Engelbreth Larsen, editors. Hate speech : fra hadetale til hadesyn. (2013)

Lohmann, Jens, Klaus Slavensky, and Rune Engelbreth Larsen, editors. Hate speech : fra hadetale til hadesyn. Translated by Klaus m. fl. Slavensky, 1. udgave, Kbh.: Information, 2013.

I dæmoniseringen af sårbare mindretal støder ytringsfriheden på sin farligste grænse. Fra holocaust til Rwanda og Anders Behring Breivik viser historien, at etnisk udrensning, politiske mord, forbrydelser mod menneskeheden og folkedrab først bliver mulige gennem intensiv Hate Speech – Hadetale kan føre til hadesyn. En pen dyppet i had er forudsætningen for, at sværdet kan dræbe.  Hate speech sætter fokus på den såkaldte hadetale, der bl.a. florerer i den politiske debat, hvor især minoriteter står for skud. Det kan være seksuelle, etniske eller religiøse mindretal. Bogens essays trækker på synspunkter fra det litterære parnas, vurderinger af refleksioner fra det politiske overdrev og endelig præsenteres analyser fra det akademiske udsigtstårn. Det er kort sagt en antologi med fokus på hadetale, ytringsfrihed, demokrati, menneskerettigheder og humanisme. 

Indhold: Klaus Slavensky: Har vi ret til at hade? Thomas Brudholm: Om had og hadetale. Ursula Owen: Dræbende tale. Cecilie Banke: ‘Jødespørgsmålet’ i 1930ernes Danmark – fra undren til bekymring. Rune Engelbreth Larsen: Paralleller mellem antisemitisk og antimuslimsk retorik. Billeder: Hadefuld eller harmløs billedtale? Mikael Rothstein: Et par høviske ord om religion. Ole Reitov: Hadets sange. Jens Lohmann: Hvornår er litteratur hadefuld- og hvem bestemmer det? Rikke Frank Jørgensen: Hadetale og ytringsfrihed i en internettid. Niels Bjerre Poulsen: Det amerikanske paradoks. Birte Weiss: Hadetalens smitteveje. Malene Fenger Grøndahl: Europas ‘sorte jøder’ er stadig lagt for had. Lynda Gilfillan: Ytringsfrihed og hadetale i Sydafrika. Göran Rosenberg: Ytringsfrihedens betingelser og begrænsninger. PENs Charter.


Lundby, Knut. Contesting Religion, The Media Dynamics of Cultural Conflicts in Scandinavia. (2018) [PDF]

Lundby, Knut. Contesting Religion, The Media Dynamics of Cultural Conflicts in Scandinavia. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2018.

As Scandinavian societies experience increased ethno-religious diversity, their Christian-Lutheran heritage and strong traditions of welfare and solidarity are being challenged and contested. This book explores conflicts related to religion as they play out in public broadcasting, social media, local civic settings, and schools. It examines how the mediatization of these controversies influences people’s engagement with contested issues about religion, and redraws the boundaries between inclusion and exclusion.


PDF: https://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/478981.

Jane Jin Kaisen, ed. Loving Belinda, (2015) [PDF]

Jane Jin Kaisen, ed. Loving Belinda, Forlaget * [asterisk], 2015.

The Loving Belinda project began in 2006 with the video Adopting Belinda in which Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, a supposedly Asian-American couple in Minnesota, are being interviewed by a Danish TV host for a series on Danish heritage because they have just adopted Belinda, a white girl from Denmark. Everything appears ordinary with the exception that the racial and cultural dynamics are reversed.

The Loving Belinda Project employs the mockumentary genre, appropriating documentary features to destabilize reality with subversive effect. By staging and reversing the racial “order” within transnational adoption, the works expose some of the uneven economic, racial, and cultural relations of power that are embedded within the practice but that tend to remain unspoken.

The videos Revisiting the Andersons and Loving Belinda as well as the photograph The Andersons from 2015,portray how the family is coping now whenBelinda is nine years old in the midst of changing discourses around transnational adoption.

In the Loving Belinda publication, the fictional universe is contextualized by conversations between the individuals involved in the project, whom in reality are all engaged in critical discourse around transnational adoption, anti-racism and whiteness in Scandinavia. 



Adopting Belinda

Revisiting the Andersons

Loving Belinda

The Andersons


Tobias Hübinette & Jane Jin Kaisen: Transnational Adoption in the Context of Colonial Repression, Race Relations, and the Right-wing Turn in Scandinavia,

Morten Goll & Jane Jin Kaisen: Reflections on Art, Asylum Politics, Racism, and Transnational Adoption

Lene Myong & Jane Jin Kaisen: The Emergence of Adoption Critiques among Transnational Adoptees in Denmark


Marianne Ping Huang: Artistic Research as Critique in Jane Jin Kaisen’s Loving Belinda

Louise Wolthers: Framing the Migrant Body

Tone Olaf Nielsen: Curating Anti-Racist, Pro-Migration & Decolonial Projects


PDF: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5539922fe4b03e1f32a65bc3/t/557bf05ee4b00283cf1e1590/1434185822742/Loving+Belinda+publication.pdf

Nielsen, Jorgen, editor. Islam in Denmark: The Challenge of Diversity. (2011)

Nielsen, Jørgen, editor. Islam in Denmark: The Challenge of Diversity. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books, 2011.

Little has been published in English about Islam in Denmark although interest grew after the cartoons crisis of 2005-6. Danish research on the subject is extensive, and this volume aims to present some of the most recent to an international audience. While many of the circumstances which apply across western Europe — the history of immigration and refugees, settlement, the growth of Muslim organizations and international links, challenges of social and cultural encounter, and more recently Islam as a security issue — also apply in Denmark, there are also differences. A small, compact country with no recent imperial history, Denmark’s unified institutional, religious and social culture can make it difficult for newcomers to integrate. The fourteen chapters in this book cover the topic in three parts. The first part deals with the history and statistics of immigration and settlement, and the religious institutional responses, Christian and Muslim. Part two looks at specific issues and the interaction with the developing national debate about identity and minority. Finally part three presents the experience of four active participants in the processes of integration: youth work and hospital chaplaincy, interreligious dialogue, and the views of an imam.

Chapter 1: Setting the Scene (Jørgen S. Nielsen)
Part One: National Perspectives
Chapter 2: Denmark, Islam and Muslims – Socio-Economic Dynamics and the Art of Becoming (Jørgen Bæk Simonsen)
Chapter 3: Muslims in Denmark – a Critical Evaluation of Estimation (Brian Arly Jacobsen)
Chapter 4: Religion and State: Recognition of Islam and Related Legislation (Lisbet Christoffersen)
Chapter 5: Mosques and Organizations (Lene Kühle)
Part Two: Particular Perspectives
Chapter 6: Nørrebro and ”Muslimness”: A Neighborhood Caught Between National Mythscapes and Local Engagement (Garbi Schmidt)
Chapter 7: How Did ‘the Muslim Pupil’ Become Muslim? Danish State Schooling and ‘the Migrant Pupils’ since the 1970s (Mette Buchardt)
Chapter 8: Gender as a Tool in Danish Debates about Muslims (Rikke Andreassen)
Chapter 9: Conversion to Islam in Denmark (Tina Jensen and Kate Østergaard)
Chapter 10: Muslims as a Danish Security Issue (Mona Kanwal Sheikh and Manni Crone)
Part Three: Perspectives on the Ground
Chapter 11: ‘To be Something’ – the Role of Religion in the Formation of Protest Identity among Ethnic Minority Youth (Lissi Rasmussen)
Chapter 12: Counseling in the Health Service (Naveed Baig)
Chapter 13: Interreligious Relations (Safet Bektovic)
Chapter 14: Towards a European Understanding of Islam (Abdul Wahid Pedersen)


Hervik, Peter, editor. Racialization, Racism, and Anti-Racism in the Nordic Countries. (2019)

Hervik, Peter, editor. Racialization, Racism, and Anti-Racism in the Nordic Countries. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

This book represents a comprehensive effort to understand discrimination, racialization, racism, Islamophobia, anti-racist activism, and the inclusion and exclusion of minorities in Nordic countries. Examining critical media events in this heavily mediatized society, the contributors explore how processes of racialization take place in an environment dominated by commercial interests, anti-migrant and anti-Muslim narratives and sentiments, and a surprising lack of informed research on national racism and racialization. Overall, in tracing how these individual events further racial inequalities through emotional and affective engagement, the book seeks to define the trajectory of modern racism in Scandinavia.


 1. Peter Hervik:

Racialization in the Nordic Countries: An Introduction

2. Mathias Danbolt, Lene Myong:

 Racial Turns and Returns: Recalibrations of Racial Exceptionalism in Danish Public Debates on Racism

3. Tuija Saresma:

Politics of Fear and Racialized Rape: Intersectional Reading of the Kempele Rape Case

4. Mahitab Ezz El Din:

 News Media Racialization of Muslims: The Case of Nerikes Allehanda’s Publishing of the Mohamed Caricature

5. Asta Smedegaard Nielsen:

White Fear: Habitual Whiteness and Racialization of the Threat of Terror in Danish News Journalism

6. Sayaka Osanami Törngren:

 Talking Color-Blind: Justifying and Rationalizing Attitudes Toward Interracial Marriages in Sweden

7. Mantė Vertelytė, Peter Hervik:

The Vices of Debating Racial Epithets in Danish News Media Discourse

 8. Carolina S. Boe, Karina Horsti:

Anti-Racism from the Margins: Welcoming Refugees at Schengen’s Northernmost Border

9. Christian Stokke:

Do Antiracist Efforts and Diversity Programs Make a Difference? Assessing the Case of Norway

10. Camilla Haavisto:

The Power of Being Heard: How Claims Against Racism Are Constructed, Spread, and Listened to in a Hybrid Media Environment

11. Kjetil Rødje, T. S. Thorsen:

(Re)Framing Racialization: Djurs Sommerland as a Battleground of (Anti-)Racism

12. Nasar Meer:

Whiteness and Racialization



Broberg, Gunnar, and Nils Roll-Hansen, editors. Eugenics and the Welfare State: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. (2005)

Broberg, Gunnar, and Nils Roll-Hansen, editors. Eugenics and the Welfare State: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2005. sci-hub.se,

In 1997 Eugenics and the Welfare State caused an uproar with international repercussions. This edition contains a new introduction by Broberg and Roll-Hansen, addressing events that occurred following the original publication. The four essays in this book stand as a chilling indictment of mass sterilization practices, not only in Scandinavia but in other European countries and the United States–eugenics practices that remained largely hidden from the public view until recently. Eugenics and the Welfare State also provides an in-depth, critical examination of the history, politics, science, and economics that led to mass sterilization programs in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland; programs put in place for the “betterment of society” and based largely on the “junk science” of eugenics that was popular before the rise of Nazism in Germany. When the results of Broberg’s and Roll-Hansen’s book were widely publicized in August 1997, the London Observer reported, “Yesterday Margot Wallstrom, the Swedish Minister for Social Policy, issued a belated reaction to the revelations. She said: ‘What went on is barbaric and a national disgrace.’ She pledged to create a law ensuring that involuntary sterilisation would never again be used in Sweden, and promised compensation to victims.” Ultimately, the Swedish government not only apologized to the many thousands who had been sterilized without their knowledge or against their will, but also put in place a program for the payment of reparations to these unfortunate victims.


Andreassen, Rikke, and Kathrine Vitus. Affectivity and Race: Studies from Nordic Contexts. (2016)

Andreassen, Rikke, and Kathrine Vitus. Affectivity and Race: Studies from Nordic Contexts. Routledge, 2016.

This book presents new empirical studies of social difference in the Nordic welfare states, in order to advance novel theoretical perspectives on the everyday practices and macro-politics of race and gender in multi-ethnic societies. With attention to the specific political and cultural landscapes of the Nordic countries, Affectivity and Race draws on a variety of sources, including television programmes, news media, fictional literature, interviews, ethnographic observations, teaching curricula and policy documents, to explore the ways in which ideas about affectivity and emotion afford new insights into the experience of racial difference and the unfolding of political discourses on race in various social spheres. Organised around the themes of the politicisation of race through affect, the way that race produces affect and the affective experience of race, this interdisciplinary collection sheds light on the role of feelings in the formation of subjectivities, how race and whiteness are affectively circulated in public life and the ways in which emotions contribute to regimes of inclusion and exclusion. As such it will appeal to scholars across the social sciences, with interests in sociology, anthropology, media, literary and cultural studies, race and ethnicity, and Nordic studies.


Introduction: affectivity as a lens to racial formations in the Nordic countries, Kathrine Vitus and Rikke Andreassen.

Part I How is Race Politicised through Affects?:

Politics of irony as the emerging sensibility of the anti-immigrant debate, Kaarina Nikunen;

If it had been a muslim: affectivity and race in Danish journalists’ reflections on making news on terror, Asta Smedegaard Nielsen;

The racial grammar of Swedish higher education and research policy: the limits and conditions of researching race in a colour-blind context, Tobias Hübinette and Paula Mählck.

Part II How Does Race Produce Affects?

‘And then we do it in Norway’: learning leadership through affective contact zones, Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen and Dorthe Staunæs;

Nordic colour-blindness and Nella Larsen, Rikke Andreassen; Disturbance and celebration of Josephine Baker in Copenhagen 1928: emotional constructions of whiteness, Marlene Spanger.

Part III How is Race Affectively Experienced?

Feeling at loss: affect, whiteness and masculinity in the immediate aftermath of Norway’s terror, Stine H. Bang Svendsen;

The affectivity of racism: enjoyment and disgust in young people’s film, Kathrine Vitus; Two journeys into research on difference in a Nordic context: a collaborative auto-ethnography, Henry Mainsah and Lin Prøitz;

Doing ‘feelwork’: reflections on whiteness and methodological challenges in research on queer partner migration, Sara Ahlstedt.
