Mouritsen, Per, and Tore Vincents Olsen. ‘Denmark between Liberalism and Nationalism’. (2013) [PDF]

Mouritsen, Per, and Tore Vincents Olsen. ‘Denmark between Liberalism and Nationalism’. Ethnic & Racial Studies, vol. 36, no. 4, Apr. 2013, pp. 691–710.

What explains the restrictive turn towards immigrants in European countries like Denmark? Are countries returning to nationalism, or are they following a general European trend towards a perfectionist, even ‘repressive’ liberalism that seeks to create ‘liberal people’ out of immigrants? Recent developments in Danish policies of integration and citizenship, education and anti-discrimination suggest a combination of these two diagnoses. The current Danish ‘integration philosophy’ leaves behind a previous concern with private choice and equal rights and opportunities to emphasize other historical elements, especially the duty to participate in upholding democracy and the egalitarian welfare community, and to promote autonomous and secular ways of life. However, the virtues of this ‘egalitarian republicanism’ are seen by right-of-centre intellectuals and politicians as rooted in a wider Christian national culture that immigrants must acquire in order to become full citizens.
